Event Notifications


The described functionality first appeared in version 4.11.1.

CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor have a mechanism for multi-channel notifications about events, such as order creation, change of the status of an order, products being sent for administrator’s review, creation of a shipment in the order, and so on.

This mechanism consists of the following primary components:

  • Events
  • Event dispatcher
  • Messages
  • Transports
  • Receivers
  • Notification settings


We have an example add-on that fully implements the mechanism for extending notifications: https://github.com/cscart/addon-notification-events-example.


An event consists of the following things:

  • A unique text identifier of the event.
  • A set of data related to that event.

Example: event “Change of order details” has the 'order.updated' identifier; it has the set of data about the order $data['order_info'] received from the fn_get_order_info function.

How to Add Your Own Event

The notifications/events.php schema describes all the registered events, receivers, and transports of notifications.

The schema is available via the Tygh::$app['event.events_schema'] service.

Every element of the schema has the following structure:

(string) EventId => [
    'group' => (string) GroupId,
    'name' => [
        'template' => (string) TemplateLanguageVariable,
        'params' => [
            (string) SubstitutionName => (string) Substitution
    'data_provider' => (callable) DataProvider,
    'receivers' => [
        (string) ReceiverId => [
            (string) TransportId => BaseMessageSchema::create([
                'area'            => (string) area,
                'from'            => (string) from,
                'to'              => (callable) DataValue::create(key),
                'template_code'   => (string) template_code,
                'language_code'   => (callable) DataValue::create(parent_key.key, default_value),
                'data_modifier'   => (callable) function (array $data) {
                    return array_merge($data, $added_data_value);
  • EventId—identifier of the event. It is used as the first argument in TyghNotificationsEventDispatcher::dispatch.
  • GroupId—identifier of the event group. It is used on the notification settings page for easier navigation.
  • TemplateLanguageVariable—the name of the language variable that stands for the event in the notification settings.
  • SubstitutionName and Substitution—the name and value of the parameters that adapt the language variable to the event’s specifics.
  • DataProvider—implements the Notification\DataProviders\DataProvider interface; is used for fetching event-specific fields based on data passed to \Tygh\Notifications\EventDispatcher::dispatch.
  • ReceiverId—identifier of the receiver. All the existing receiver identifiers can be retrieved from Tygh::$app['event.receivers_schema'].
  • TransportId—identifier of the transport. Transports must provide it in \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\ITransport::getId.
  • BaseMessageSchema—creates an instance of the schema class, with the data prepared for sending. Input parameters must include processed data necessary for sending the notification. Can be a text (area, from, template_code) or an instance of the DataValue class.
  • DataValue—the class that allows you to get the data from the input array by key. If the key isn’t in the array, then the default_value will be used; it is null by default.
  • data_modifier—a callable parameter that allows you to make additional modifications of data passed in data within the function.

To register an event:

  1. Select the unique event identifier (EventId).

  2. Select the group to which the new event will belong.

    If the event belongs to a new group, create a language variable with the same identifier GroupId, and the name of the event group as a value.

  3. Create a language variable that will store the template for forming the name of the event (TemplateLanguageVariable).

  4. Form a list of substitutions for the event name template (SubstitutionName, Substitution).

    If the name of the event doesn’t have substitutions, the 'params' array must be left empty.

  5. Specify the identifiers of user types that must receive notification about the event (ReceiverId).

  6. Specify the name of the implemented DataProvider for processing of the event-specific data that come from data.

  7. For every receiver type, specify:

    • how they should receive notifications (TransportId);
    • the data specific for the current receiver and processed into an instance of the BaseMessageSchema class (using DataValue, if necessary).

Event Dispatcher

Dispatcher is a system component that triggers events. Triggering an event sends the messages to the receivers.

Event dispatcher is registered in the Tygh::$app['event.dispatcher'] service.

How to Trigger an Event

Call the event dispatcher in the places where you need to send notifications:

Tygh::$app['event.dispatcher']->dispatch('EventId', ['order_info' => $order_info, 'user_info' => $user_info, 'settings' => $settings]);


Messages are formed based on a schema, from the data passed to the event dispatcher. A message contains all the data necessary for sending that message via a transport connected to this message type.

The array of data prepared for sending is made based on the rules from the events.php event schema.

Examples of implementation:

  • Preparing the data for a notification about order state. This notification will be sent to administrator’s email:

    'receivers' => [
        UserTypes::ADMIN => [
            MailTransport::getId() => MailMessageSchema::create([
                'area'            => 'A',
                'from'            => 'company_users_department',
                'to'              => 'company_users_department',
                'reply_to'        => DataValue::create('user_data.email'),
                'template_code'   => 'activate_profile',
                'legacy_template' => 'profiles/activate_profile.tpl',
                'company_id'      => DataValue::create('user_data.company_id'),
                'language_code'   => Registry::get('settings.Appearance.backend_default_language'),
                'data_modifier'   => function (array $data) {
                    return array_merge($data, [
                        'url' => fn_url('profiles.update?user_id=' . $data['user_data']['user_id'], 'A'),

DataValue allows you to get data by key from the array that was passed to the dispatcher for forming the message. The function specified in data_modifier allows you to make more complex modifications of data.

The message schema is responsible for creating a message. It gets the processed data about the event and checks the validity of the data.

The schema is implemented for a specific tranpsort:

  • \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Mail\MailMessageSchema—schema for a notification sent to email;
  • \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Internal\InternalMessageSchema—schema for a notification sent to the Notification Center.

How to Add Your Own Message

To add a message:

  1. Add a provider for the message data. The provider must implement the \Tygh\Notifications\DataProviders\IDataProvider interface or extend an existing base data provider class.
  2. Specify that provider in the event schema for the specific transport.
  3. In the events schema, specify the rules for processing the input data passed to the dispatcher.

How to Add a Message Sent to Email

These messages include the data necessary for sending an email via the Tygh::$app['mailer'] service.

To create a new email message:

  1. In the event schema, create the rules for preparing the data passed in \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Mail\MailMessageSchema.
  2. The array passed to the create method of the schema contains the following properties:
    • to—receiver of the message.
    • from—sender of the message.
    • reply_to—Reply-to of the message.
    • template_code—the code of the email template.
    • legacy_template—the name of the email template (if old email templates are used in the store).
    • language_code—the code of the language in which email will be sent.
    • company_id—identifier of the company on behalf of which the email is sent.
    • area—from where the email is sent: from the admin panel or from the storefront.
    • Other keys passed in the $data array are the data for substitutions in the email template.

How to Add a Message Sent to the Notification Center

These messages include the data necessary for creating a notification in the Notification center via the Tygh::$app['notifications_center'] service.

To create a new email message:

  1. In the event schema, create the rules for preparing the data passed in \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Internal\InternalMessageSchema.

  2. The array passed to the create method of the schema contains the following properties:

    • title—the title of the notification.

      • template—the name of the language variable.
      • params—the list of substitutions in the template of the notification title; if the title doesn’t have substitutions, the array must be left empty;
    • $message—the text of the notification.

      • template—the name of the language variable.
      • params—the list of substitutions in the template of the notification text; if the text doesn’t have substitutions, the array must be left empty;
    • severity—severity of the notification (see \Tygh\Enum\NotificationSeverity).

    • section—the tab of the Notification center where the message will appear.

    • tag—the tag that the notification will be marked with.

    • area—the area where the notification will appear: in the administration panel or at the storefront.

    • action_url—the link to which user will be directed after clicking the notification.

    • timestamp—the time when the notification was created.

    • recipient_search_method—the method for searching the users for whom the notifications must be created (see \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods).

      The following search methods are available:

      • \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::USER_ID—by user ID.
      • \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::UGERGROUP_ID—by user group ID (notifications will be created for all users in the group).
      • \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::EMAIL—by user’s email.
    • recipient_search_criteria—user search criteria:

      • For recipient_search_method = \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::USER_ID—user ID.
      • For recipient_search_method = \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::UGERGROUP_ID—user group ID.
      • For recipient_search_method = \Tygh\Enum\RecipientSearchMethods::EMAIL—user e-mail.


Transports handle the actual sending of messages of specific types.

Example of implementation:

  • \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\MailMailTransport—sends messages to email, works with the messages that conform with \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Mail\MailMessageSchema.
  • \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\InternalTransport—sends messages to the Notification center, works with the messages that conform with \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\Internal\InternalMessageSchema.

How to Add Your Own Transport

The list of identifiers of transports used in the system is available via the Tygh::$app['event.transports_schema'] service.

To add an own transport:

  1. Select an identifier with which the transport will be registered in the system (TransportId).
  2. Create a class that implements the \Tygh\Notifications\Transports\ITransport interface.
  3. Specify the selected identifier in the getId() method of that class.
  4. Register a new provider of that transport in Tygh::$app['event.transports.{TransportId}'].
  5. Create a language variable with event.transport.TransportId as the identifier, and the name of the transport as a value.


Every event has a group of receivers who may be notified about the event. For example, order status change can send notifications to the customer, store administrator, and the vendor from whom the product was bought.

How to Add Your Own Receiver

The list of identifiers of the receivers is available via the Tygh::$app['event.receivers_schema'] service.

To add a new type of receivers:

  1. Write a processor of the get_notification_rules hook and add the receiver’s identifier into the $force_notification array.
  2. Create a language variable with event.receiver.ReceiverId as the identifier, and the name of the receiver type as a value.
  3. Add the receivers to the event schema and specify the transports that deliver notifications to these receivers.

Notification Settings

By default, it is assumed that if an event is present in Tygh::$app['event.events_schema'], then the event requires notifying all receivers via all transports. This behavior is altered via the notification settings. They describe which receiver must get notifications about events, and via what transport.


Notification settings are specified under Settings → Notifications for the entire system. Notifications can be configured for every type of receivers, for each event and each transport.

The page for configuring notifications shows only the relevant data. It doesn’t show:

  • events without receivers;
  • receivers not attached to any event;
  • transports that don’t send events to any receivers.

The changes to the rules are saved in the database in the notification_settings table; they are available via the Tygh::$app['event.notification_settings'] service.

Overloading Notification Rules

Overloads allow you to prevent sending event notifications to specific receivers, even if notification settings require it.

A set of overloads is an object of the \Tygh\Notifications\Settings\Ruleset class, and is created by the Tygh::$app['event.notification_settings.factory'] rule factory. A set of overloads is passed as one of the parameters when an event is triggered.

Example: the order editing page has checkboxes “Notify customer”, “Notify orders department”, and “Notify vendor”. They can prevent sending a notification about order status change, even if the notification settings require it.

$notification_rules = Tygh::$app['event.notification_settings.factory']->create([
    UserTypes::CUSTOMER => false,
    UserTypes::ADMIN    => true,
    UserTypes::VENDOR   => true,


How to Start Using the New Notification System

  1. Find all the places in your add-ons, where emails are sent via the mailer service (Tygh::$app['mailer']->send()) or the deprecated TyghMailer class (\Tygh\Mailer::sendMail()).
  2. Create events for these situations; see “How to Add Your Own Event”.
  3. (optional) Implement an alternative mechanism for informing users via notifications in the Notification center.
  4. Replace sending emails with triggering an event via the event.dispatcher service: Tygh::$app['event.dispatcher']->dispatch().