Name—the name of the feature as it appears on the storefront and in the Administration panel.
Store—the storefront to which the product feature originally belongs.
Purpose—what the feature will be used for. Every purpose has a description that helps with choice. Instead of repeating their descriptions here, we’ll say what purpose it’s best to choose, and when:
Feature style—determines what the feature will look like on the storefront.
Filter type—determines how a filter by this feature will look at the storefront. It also determines what values a feature can have. For example:
Group—the group that the product feature belongs to.
Deleting a group will also delete all the features that belong to the group.
Feature code—the code to identify the feature.
Position—the position of the feature relatively to the position of the other features.
Description—the description of the feature.
The description appears on the storefront, if the customer clicks the question sign next to the feature name on the Features tab.
Show on the Features tab—if you tick this checkbox, the product feature will appear on the product details page on the Features tab.
Show in product header—if you tick this checkbox, the feature will appear on the product detail page under the product’s name.
Show in product list—if you tick this checkbox, the feature will appear among the other product details in the product list on the storefront.
Prefix—what you enter here will appear before the feature value.
Suffix—what you enter here will appear after the feature value.
Features of Check box: Multiple or Select box type have variants that the administrators can choose from when editing the product. These variants can be added or edited on the Variants tab.
The following properties of feature variants are available only for the Brand/Manufacturer feature type:
Image—the image to illustrate the brand.
An image can be either uploaded from a local computer or the server file system, or by specifying a link to the image. Only JPEG, GIF, and PNG images are supported. The maximum size of an uploaded image depends on your server configuration. As a rule, it should not exceed 2 MB.
An alternative text describes the image in words. Technically, the text that you enter appears inside the alt=""
and title=""
attributes of the <img>
HTML tag. The text is shown when the image is missing or cannot be displayed. Using alternative text associated with the image is good for SEO.
Description—the description of the brand as it appears on the storefront.
The description can be either a plain text or a formatted HTML text. If you are not familiar with HTML, you can add a formatted description with the built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor.
Page title——the content of the <title></title>
container: the title of the brand’s page on the storefront, which is displayed in the web browser when somebody is viewing the page. If you don’t specify a value manually, it will be generated automatically.
URL—the link to the brand’s website.
META description—the content of the description
meta-tag: a brief description of the brand.
META keywords—the content of the keywords
meta-tag: a list of search keywords that appear on the brand’s page.
Instructions on how to best use the meta tags may vary depending on the search engine.
SEO name—the value to which the standard URL of the brand’s page will be changed.
The list of categories where products can have this feature. If no category is specified, the feature will be available to all categories.
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