Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.11.2

Common Changes

  1. JS: Select2 library was updated to version 4.0.12

Core Changes

New Classes

  1. \Tygh\NotificationsCenter\NotificationBuilders\INotificationBuilder—interface INotificationBuilder describes the class responsible for building an on-site notification from the parameters.
  2. \Tygh\NotificationsCenter\NotificationBuilders\DBTemplateNotificationBuilder—class DBTemplateNotificationBuilder builds on-site notifications based on the Twig templates from the database.
  3. \Tygh\NotificationsCenter\NotificationBuilders\DefaultNotificationBulder—class DefaultNotificationBulder builds on-site notifications from their data.
  4. \Tygh\Template\Internal\Context—the context class for on-site notifications.
  5. \Tygh\Template\Internal\Exim—the class that implements the logic of import and export of on-site notification templates.
  6. \Tygh\Template\Internal\Repository—the repository class that implements the logic of interaction with the storage for on-site notification templates.
  7. \Tygh\Template\Internal\Service—the service class that implements the logic of on-site notification template management.
  8. \Tygh\Template\Internal\Template—the entity class of an on-site notification template.

New Functions

  1. Get product count by companies:

    fn_get_companies_active_products_count(array $company_ids = [])
  2. Get user with parameter ‘is_root’ for specified company:

  3. Get on-site notification templates:

  4. Get builder to create on-site notifications:

  5. Get return requests:

    fn_rma_get_returns($params, $items_per_page = 0, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)

Hook Changes

New Hooks

  1. fn_set_hook('vendor_plan_after_delete', $this);—executes after a vendor plan is deleted, allows you to execute additional actions with the related entities.

Changed Hooks

// Old:
fn_set_hook('additional_fields_in_search', $params, $fields, $sortings, $condition, $join, $sorting, $group_by, $tmp, $piece, $having)

// New:
fn_set_hook('additional_fields_in_search', $params, $fields, $sortings, $condition, $join, $sorting, $group_by, $tmp, $piece, $having, $lang_code)
// Old:
fn_set_hook('store_locator_update_store_location_post', $store_location_data, $store_location_id, $lang_code)

// New:
fn_set_hook('store_locator_update_store_location_post', $store_location_data, $store_location_id, $lang_code, $action)
// Old:
fn_set_hook('url_post', $_url, $area, $url, $protocol, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code)

// New:
fn_set_hook('url_post', $_url, $area, $url, $protocol, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code, $locations)

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme