Delivering Add-on Releases to the Marketplace with Git

We recommend developing add-ons in Git repositories—this facilitates collaboration and testing. There are instructions on organizing your Git workflow, that can make add-on development more convenient for you.

There is one more reason to use Git—you can deliver add-on releases from GitHub to the Marketplace automatically. This article shows how to do that.

Connecting Repository to the Marketplace


Before you begin, you’ll need to add your add-on to the Marketplace. The add-on must follow these rules.

  1. Open the add-on editing page and switch to the Update with Git tab.
  2. Configure the settings for the Service you selected.
You can upload upgrade packages to the Marketplace directly from your Git repository.


  1. Go to the repository of the add-on on GitHub to find out where to get the values for the settings in the Marketplace:
    • Repository owner—the username [1].
    • Repository name—the name of the repository [2].
    • Branch name—one of the branches of the repository [3].
  2. Open the drop-down menu of the profile and go to Settings [4].
Specify GitHub username, as well as the name and branch of the repository.
  1. Go to Personal access tokens [5].
  2. Click Generate new token [6].
Generate a new personal access token.
  1. Specify the description for the new token [7].
  2. Select the repo scope [8].
  3. Create the token.
Enter token description and set repo as scope.
  1. You now have a token [9]. You can return to the Marketplace and specify it as the Personal access token.
Copy the token from GitHub and specify it on the Marketplace.
  1. Set Status to Active [10].
  2. Enter Webhook secret [11].
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Copy the URL from the Webhook URL field [12].
Enter your personal access token, come up with webhook secret, then copy webhook URL.
  1. Go back to the GitHub repository and switch to the Settings tab [13].
Switch to the Settings tab in your GitHub repository.
  1. Choose Webhooks & services [14] and click Add webhook [15].
Switch to the Settings tab in your GitHub repository.
  1. Configure the webhook:
    • Payload URL [16]—enter Webhook URL from step 12.
    • Content type [17]—select application/json.
    • Secret [18]—enter Webhook secret that you specified in step 10.
    • Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? [19]— choose Just the push event.
  2. Click Add webhook.
Enter webhook URL and secret, and select the content type.


  1. Go to the repository of the add-on on Bitbucket and switch to the Source tab [1] to find out where to get the values for the settings in the Marketplace:
    • Repository owner—enter the username from the URL [2].
    • Repository name—enter the name of the repository from the URL [3].
    • Branch name—enter one of the branches that exist in the repository [4].
Enter the repository owner, repository name and branch name.
  1. Specify other settings:
    • Bitbucket username—your Bitbucket login [5].
    • Bitbucket password—your Bitbucket password [6].
    • StatusActive [7].
  2. Save your changes, then copy the URL from the Webhook URL field [8].
Specify the settings, save the changes and copy the Webhook URL.
  1. Open your Bitbucket repository.
  2. Go to Settings [9].
  3. Switch to Webhooks [10].
  4. Click Add webhook [11].
Go to Settings: Webhooks and add a new webhook.
  1. Configure your new webhook:
    • Title [12]—webhook name.
    • URL [13]—the value of Webhook URL from [8].
    • Status [14]—Active.
    • TriggersRepository push [15].
  2. Save your webhook [16].
Configure your webhook and save it.

Creating Add-on Releases via Git Tags

Once you have made some changes in your repository and are ready to roll out a new release, follow these steps:

  1. Commit your changes:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Functionality added."
  1. Add a tag that conforms to Semantic Versioning:
$ git tag 1.1.0
  1. Push the changes in the branch to the remote repository:
$ git push origin master
  1. Push the tag to the remote repository:
$ git push origin 1.1.0
  1. Once the webhook is processed, the package will appear on the Product packages tab of the add-on editing page in the Marketplace.
  2. By default, the package is Disabled, i.e. unavailable to customers. That way you can test the package before release. Once you’re ready to distribute the package, change its status to Active:
To make an upgrade package available to customers, hange the package status to Active.

Monitoring the Package Building


  1. Open the editing page of the webhook you created.
  2. Expand the delivery event [1].
  3. Switch to the Response tab [2].
  4. The response from the server about the building process appears in the Body section [3].
  5. To process the webhook again if there are any errors, click Redeliver [4].
Go to the Response tab of your webhook to see the response from the server about the building process.


  1. Go to your repository on Bitbucket.
  2. Switch to Settings, then to Webhooks.
  3. Click View requests next to the webhook you created [1].
Go to the Response tab of your webhook to see the response from the server about the building process.
  1. Click View details next to an event [2].
View the details of an event by clicking the corresponding link.
  1. You can find the response of the server in the Response from… > Body section [3].
  2. To process the webhook again in case of errors, click Resend request [4].
View the response of the server and resend the request, if there are any errors.

Error Messages

Error Text Possible Reasons
Hook has been skipped
Updating with Git is disabled for the add-on.

The webhook uses a wrong Webhook URL.
Invalid payload
The service has sent the data with the invalid structure.

The Webhook secret on the Marketplace or in the service is incorrect.
Unknown payload source The service that is used isn’t supported.
Not a push. Skipped An action other than git push was performed with the repository.
Not a tag. Skipped It wasn’t a tag that was sent to the repository.
Tag is not in the Semantic Versioning format. Skipped The tag doesn’t follow Semantic Versioning.
Wrong owner/repository. Skipped
The wrong Repository owner/Repository name has been specified in the Marketplace.

The webhook uses a wrong Webhook URL.
Tagged commit is not in the branch {Branch name}. Skipped The commit that was tagged isn’t a part of the branch that is specified as the Branch name in the Marketplace.

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