CS-Cart 3.0.5 Changelog

Functionality Changes

[*] Abandoned/Live carts: Cart information now includes customer IP address.

[*] Addons: Price list: The ‘TCPDF’ library updated.

[*] Addons: Searchanise: Numerous improvements.

[*] Addons: Searchanise: The ability to disable sorting by relevance by default added.

[*] Checkout: The ability to use different values in the ‘Email’ field in billing and shipping sections added.

[*] The Australia Post shipping method now calculates rates more precisely according to the number of packages.

[*] {#3648} Block manager: Function calls in the block manager schemas refactored.


[!] Abandoned carts: If a user logged in on checkout, the respective abandoned cart was cleared in the admin panel. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Affiliate: Affiliate user type was changed to ‘Customer’ after placing order. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Comments and reviews: Comment timestamp was rendered overlapping comment status in Opera 12.10. Fixed.

[!] Addons: News and Emails: One newsletter checkbox was always impossible to uncheck on checkout. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Product configurator: Order management: Some configuration products were removed after editing order. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Product configurator: Product configuration price was displayed incorrectly when list price or discounts were enabled. Fixed.

[!] Addons: RSS feed: Invalid link was set for logo. Fixed.

[!] Addons: SEO: Product URLs were incorrect (pointing to the 404 location) after product export/import. Fixed.

[!] Addons: SEO: SEO names were generated empty for products titled in Russian. Fixed.

[!] Affiliate: Graphical banner was not shown for product group. Fixed.

[!] Block manager data from layouts.xml was installed for all translations, even for non-existing ones. Fixed.

[!] Block manager: Products: If the ‘Feature Comparison’ option was checked for a product, the link ‘Add to compare list’ overlapped the ‘Add to cart’ button. Fixed.

[!] Block manager: Products: Scroller block was displayed incorrectly if the quantity of the items was less than scroller size. Fixed.

[!] Block manager: Products: Scroller: Indention for the Left/Right arrows decreased.

[!] Block manager: Products: The ‘Add to cart’ button was shown in product block even if the ‘Hide Add to cart button’ option was checked. Fixed.

[!] Categories: The ‘Layout’ tab content was displayed in every tab. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: Promotions issued for using a particular payment were applied on the 2nd step, before any payment was selected. Fixed.

[!] Gift certificates: On certificate purchase, the radio buttons ‘Send via postal mail/Send via mail’ swapped input fields no matter which variant was selected. Fixed.

[!] Join CSS: Embeded image data was processed incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Edition, Ultimate Edition: Product files were not deleted if the product was deleted by a vendor or a storefront admin. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Edition: Gift certificates: Discounts were calculated incorrectly when products from numerous different vendors were ordered. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Edition: Global options: Vendors could not remove global options from products. Fixed.

[!] Order management: If anonymous checkout was forbidden, there was no ability to complete the 2nd step. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Advanced search: Shipping-based search was independent on the selected vendor. Fixed.

[!] Pages: Link URL was not applied to the menu item if the ‘Use “Link text” and “URL”’ option was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Product Features: Feature variant list was not shown on the product bulk editing page. Fixed.

[!] Product files: Attached file was not deleted on product editing page in the admin panel if its id in the database was higher than 9. Fixed.

[!] Product option modifiers were applied incorrectly to forbidden exception combinations if one of the combinations had no variants. Fixed.

[!] Products: Inventory: Product quantity was checked incorrectly if ‘List quantity count’ was set in Pricing/inventory section of a product. Fixed.

[!] Products: The ‘Maximum order quantity’ value was ignored if product quantity added to cart was over the product quantity in stock. Fixed.

[!] Promotions: A promotion was not applied if a single zero-price product was in cart. Fixed.

[!] Sales report: Categories sales report displayed incorrect sales information: subcategory prices were always summed together. Fixed.

[!] Searchanise: DB error was displayed on the category page. Fixed.

[!] Searchanise: Product descriptions were submitted only in one language. Fixed.

[!] Searchanise: The default sorting setting did not work for ‘Bestselling’ if the Searchanise add-on was enabled. Fixed.

[!] SEO names: Addtitional category was used instead of the main one on SEO URL compiling. Fixed.

[!] SEO: Link to product page could be incorrect if product had several categories and SEO URLs included category in path. Fixed.

[!] Store import add-on: Assigned HTML blocks lost their links to objects. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: Addons: Affiliate: Graphic banner categories were not saved. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: Addons: Google sitemap: Non-existing company pages existed. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: Addons: Price list: No ‘Save file’ dialog appeared after price list creation in the admin panel. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: Quantity discounts: If a quantity discount was defined in price percentage and saved for all stores, the cost was calculated incorrectly for the defined item quantity in the customer area. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: Users were unable to recover password if the ‘Sharing users’ option was disabled and several users were registered in different stores. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate Edition: When changing a shared product owner, its description was saved for the old company. Fixed.

[!] Users: Abandoned/Live carts: Customer data was submitted only if the client had entered their credentials on registration. Fixed.

[!] {#3548} Addons: Product Configurator: Default configuration products were ignored when calculating price in the Quick view in the customer area. Fixed.

[!] {#3589} Block manager: Products: Product options modifiers were not added to price. Fixed.

[!] {#3616} Addons: Google export: Only single value was passed from multiple product feature values. Fixed.

[!] {#3649} Buy together: Error occured and cart contents were cleared if identical product combinations with different product options were added to cart. Fixed.

[!] {#3665} Product tabs: Adding HTML block caused a redirect to the block manager. Fixed.

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