To install CS-Cart or Multi-Vendor via console, complete these steps:
Download the latest version of CS-Cart or Multi-Vendor.
Put the downloaded archive into the web-accesible directory.
Extract the archive.
Open the config.php file in the install directory.
Find the following code:
return array(
// Add-on names to be installed
// If empty will be installed only addons included by default
'addons' => array(),
'cart_settings' => array (
'email' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'admin',
'secret_key' => 'YOURVERYSECRETCEY',
'languages' => array (
'en', 'da', 'de', 'es', 'fr', 'el', 'it', 'nl', 'ro', 'ru', 'bg', 'no', 'sl',
'main_language' => 'en',
'demo_catalog' => true,
'theme_name' => 'basic',
'license_number' => 'CART-1111-1111-1111-1111'
'database_settings' => array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'name' => '%DB_NAME%',
'user' => '%DB_USER%',
'password' => '%DB_PASS%',
'table_prefix' => 'cscart_',
'database_backend' => 'mysqli',
'notify' => false,
'allow_override' => 'Y',
'server_settings' => array (
'http_host' => '%HTTP_HOST%',
'http_path' => '',
'https_host' => '%HTTP_HOST%',
'https_path' => '',
'correct_permissions' => true,
Replace the values of the variables in the code above with your values. To do this, replace the example values (, admin, etc.) between the ‘ ‘ simbols with the administrator’s e-mail, password, etc.
If you want to install the trial version of CS-Cart, leave the ‘license number’ field empty.
Set the proper file permissions.
On a UNIX-based server, run the following commands one by one:
chmod 666 config.local.php
chmod -R 777 design images var
find design -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
find images -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
find var -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
On a Windows-based server, you may need to give full permissions for the files and directories to the user with the IUSER_ComputerName account.
In a console terminal, open the install directory and run the following comand:
php index.php
The standard installation process will be launched.
Learn more about setting permissions, extracting an archive, choosing the installation directory, etc. in other installation scenarios.
Questions & Feedback
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