How To: Increase the Performance of Your Store


Tutorial Difficulty: Varies

There are several ways to increase the performance of your store. Some ways require technical knowledge, whereas other ways are available to everyone.

Delete the Languages You Do Not Use

  1. In the administration panel, go to Administration → Languages → Manage languages.

  2. Delete the languages that you do not use:

    • To delete one language, hover over it, click the gear button next to the status of the language and choose Delete.
    • To delete multiple languages at once, tick the checkboxes next to their language codes, then press the gear button in the top right corner of the page and choose Delete selected.


    For the performance to increase, you must delete the languages, not just disable them. If you need a deleted language later, you can switch to the Available tab and install it again.

Optimize the Database

Optimize the database to increase performance: that way you reclaim unused space and defragment the datafile.

  1. In the administration panel, go to Administration → Backup/Restore.
  2. Click the gear button on right and choose Optimize Database.
  3. Wait for the progress bar to fill. The database size will be decreased, if possible.

Try Changing the Caching Type


This requires technical knowledge.

Changing the caching type might increase performance. To do it, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the config.local.php file in the root directory of your CS-Cart installation.
  2. Find this part of the code:
// Cache backend
// Available backends: file, sqlite, database, redis, xcache, apc
// To use sqlite cache the "sqlite3" PHP module should be installed
// To use xcache cache the "xcache" PHP module should be installed
// To use apc cache the "apc" PHP module should be installed
$config['cache_backend'] = 'file';
  1. Replace file in this line of the code:
$config['cache_backend'] = 'file';

with the necessary variant.


Don’t store the cache in the database, unless you know what you’re doing—tables with the cache often grow large and get broken.

  1. Save the file.


    The file cache backend is used by default, other available variants are: sqlite, database, redis, xcache, apc.

    To use sqlite, the sqlite3 PHP module must be installed on your server. To use xcache, the xcache PHP module must be installed. To use apc cache, the apc PHP module must be installed.

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