How to Adapt an Add-on to Work with Responsive Admin Panel

Clients asked us for a way to manage a CS-Cart store from mobile devices. That’s why we introduced the Responsive Admin Panel [Beta] add-on in version 4.7.3. If your third-party add-on somehow changes the Administration panel, then the instruction below will help adapt your add-on.


Currently the responsive design of the Administration panel is introduced as an add-on that isn’t installed by default. That way developers will have time to adapt their add-ons. Eventually the responsive design of the Administration panel will become a part of CS-Cart core.

Main Changes

  • Styles are now split into separate files located in the css/tygh directory. The styles.less file is used as an index and simply imports .less files into itself. The css/tygh directory also has subdirectories with styles:

    • icons/ — styles that describe icons and pictograms.

    • modals/ — styles related to pop-ups and modal windows.

    • navbars/ — styles of the navigation and mobile menu of the admin panel.

    • pages/ — special styles for specific pages of the admin panel.

    • responsive/ — styles with media queries.


      We plan to abandon the practice of having media queries in a separate file. That’s why in the future we’ll move the styles from responsive/ to corresponding files.

    • ui_base/ — styles of the basic interface components (isolated components).

    • utils/ — utility styles and the styles of complex interface components.

  • The config.less file was added (it is located next to styles.less). We gradually move LESS variables to config.less and create new variables there. Use this file to find out which variables there are.

  • A new function for checking the width of the screen in JS. Version 4.7.3 has a new global function called matchScreenSize().

What Elements Are Affected?

  • Tables. Adapting the add-ons to the new responsive admin panel is mostly about adjusting tables.
  • Titles. Now the first part of the title of a page or a pop-up window will be hidden on mobile devices.
  • Sidebar. The sidebar is hidden by default on mobile devices, and will appear on the side when necessary. If your add-on had a custom sidebar design, it would have to be adapted as well.
  • Mobile menu. The menu is responsive too; you don’t need to do anything, backward compatibility is preserved.

How the Adaptation Works

Titles of Pages

Let’s assume we have a product editing page titled Editing product: My Product. On mobile devices the title must be My Product. We remove the first part of the title that describes the action performed on the page. To implement these adaptive titles:

  1. Find the title of the page in the template. It is specified when mainbox.tpl is included:

    {include file="common/mainbox.tpl"  title=$title ... }
  2. You can keep $title (the title of the page) for backward compatibility, but you must add two new variables to get the behavior described above. These variables are:

    {include file="common/mainbox.tpl"
       title_end=$title_end ... }

    It works like this:

    $title_start = "Edit product"
    $title_end = "My Product"

Titles of Pop-Up Windows

The actions are the same as for pages. The only difference is that the pop-up window is included in:

{include file="common/popupbox.tpl" ... }


Here is a non-responsive table before adaptation:

<table width="100%" class="table table-middle">
   <!-- body below -->

Let’s make it responsive. To do this:

  1. Wrap the table in a wrapper that adds the necessary behavior:

    <div class="table-responsive-wrapper">
      <table> <!-- Table Content --> </table>
  2. Add the table-responsive class to the <table> tag:

    <div class="table-responsive-wrapper">
      <table class="... table-responsive">
        <!-- Table Content -->
  3. Add the data-th data attribute to the table cells (that attribute means their heading):

    <td data-th="Column title">...</td>
  4. As a result, you’ll get a responsive table:

    <div class="table-responsive-wrapper">
       <table width="100%" class="table table-middle table-responsive">
                   <th>Column1 (will hide on mobile devices)</th>
           <!-- body below -->
               <td class="nowrap left mobile-hide">Content1</td>
               <td class="nowrap" data-th="Column2">Content2</td>
               <td class="nowrap right" data-th="Column3">Content3</td>

New Function in core.js

Version 4.7.3 has a new function $.matchScreenSize in core.js for checking the current screen width. It works as follows:

if ($.matchScreenSize(['xs', 'xs-large'])) { ... }

In this example true will be returned if the <body> tag has one of the following classes: 'screen--xs' or 'screen--xs-large'.

Here is the list of available selectors:

'screen--xs':       [0, 350],
'screen--xs-large': [350, 480],
'screen--sm':       [481, 768],
'screen--sm-large': [768, 1024],
'screen--md':       [1024, 1280],
'screen--md-large': [1280, 1440],
'screen--lg':       [1440, 1920],
'screen--uhd':      [1920, 9999]

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