Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.13.2

Core changes

Changed Classes

  1. // Old:
    // New:

Changed Functions

  1. // Old:
    fn_print_order_packing_slips($order_ids, $pdf = false, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    // New:
    fn_print_order_packing_slips($order_ids, $params = [])
  2. // Old:
    fn_print_shipment_packing_slips($shipment_ids, $pdf = false, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    // New:
    fn_print_shipment_packing_slips($shipment_ids, $params = [])

Deleted Functions

  1. fn_print_supplier_invoices

New Functions

  1. Send modified order invoice:

    fn_send_order_invoice(array $order_info, array $params)

Hook Changes

Changed Hooks

  1. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('url_post', $_url, $area, $url, $protocol, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code, $locations);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('url_post', $_url, $area, $url, $protocol, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code, $locations, $storefront_id);

New Hooks

  1. This hook is executed before retrieve product shipping methods for estimation:

    fn_set_hook('geo_maps_get_product_shipping_methods_before_estimation', $product, $location);
  2. This hook is executed after getting promotion data. Ayyllows you to modify data received in function:

    fn_set_hook('get_promotion_data_post', $promotion_id, $lang_code, $promotion_data);
  3. This hook is executed before sending a custom order invoice. Allows you to modify invoice data and its receiver:

    fn_set_hook('send_order_invoice', $order_info, $params, $subject, $invoice, $email, $attachments);
  4. This hook is executed before printing order packing slips. Allows you to modify parameters passed to the function:

    fn_set_hook('print_order_packing_slips_pre', $order_ids, $params);
  5. This hook is executed after order packing slips are generated. Allows you to execute additional slip data modifications:

    fn_set_hook('print_order_packing_slips_post', $order_ids, $params, $html, $output);
  6. This hook is executed before printing order invoices. Allows you to modify parameters passed to the function:

    fn_set_hook('print_order_invoices_pre', $order_ids, $params);
  7. This hook is executed after order invoices are generated. Allows you to execute additional invoice data modifications:

    fn_set_hook('print_order_invoices_post', $order_ids, $params, $html, $output);
  8. This hook is executed after changing user group status:

    fn_set_hook('change_usergroup_status_post', $status, $user_id, $usergroup_id, $force_notification, $result).

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme