Blank CS-Cart Pages or Functionality Failure

If you see blank pages or CS-Cart simply works strange, there are several things you need to check.

The PHP Version

  1. Check the PHP version installed on the server:
    • Open the administration panel of your store.
    • Go to Administration → Logs.
    • Click the gear button in the top right corner of a page.
    • Choose PHP information.
    • The PHP version is displayed in the top part of the page.
  2. If the version is 5.0.5 (or 5.0.4), CS-Cart cannot work with it correctly: older PHP versions have serious bugs, like this bug in PHP 5.0.5.
  3. Contact your hosting administrator and ask them to update PHP to a later version.

MySQLi Extension Missing

If you see blank pages when trying to open the storefront or the Administration panel, it might be because MySQLi extension is not installed on your server. Here’s a quick way to fix the problem:

  1. Go to the root directory of the CS-Cart installation.

  2. Open the config.local.php file.

  3. Find the following line:

    $config['database_backend'] = 'mysqli';
  4. Replace it with this line:

    $config['database_backend'] = 'pdo';
  5. Save the file and see if that solves the problem.

Not Enough Memory

Another possible reason for the strange behaviour of CS-Cart is that the initial amount of memory allocated to CS-Cart is not enough. To resolve the issue, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the root directory of the CS-Cart installation.
  2. Open the config.local.php file.
  3. Find the following part of the code in the file:
// Set maximum memory limit
if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 && (substr(ini_get('memory_limit'), 0, -1) < "64")) {
// 32bit PHP
@ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
} elseif (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 && (substr(ini_get('memory_limit'), 0, -1) < "256")) {
// 64bit PHP
@ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
  1. Replace that part of the code with this one:
// Set maximum memory limit
if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 && (substr(ini_get('memory_limit'), 0, -1) < "64")) {
// 32bit PHP
@ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
} elseif (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 && (substr(ini_get('memory_limit'), 0, -1) < "256")) {
// 64bit PHP
@ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
  1. Save the file.

The Safe Mode Setting

Another possible reason for the issues is the enabled Safe mode setting in your PHP configuration.

All features of CS-Cart work properly only if the safe mode is off. If the safe mode is, the most important PHP functions do not work.

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