Special classesΒΆ

The so called special classes are provided to minimize CSS file size. They can be used both separately:

//Creating a floating element
<div class="float-left">It's a floating block</div>
<div>It's a standard block</div>

and together with standard classes:

//Creating a floating element on basis of a notice box
<div class="notice-box float-left">It's a floating block</div>
<div>It's a standard block</div>

Here is the full special classes list:

  • input-text - used for text inputs, the width of the element is equal to the parameter size.
  • input-textarea - used for text areas, the width of the element is equal to the parameter cols.
  • input-textarea-long - used for all text areas in forms, the width is defined through css.
  • input-text-short - used for inputs such as Position, Amount, etc. in forms and tables, the width is defined through CSS (30px).
  • input-text-medium - used for inputs such as Price, Weight, Product Code, etc. in forms.
  • input-text-large - used for inputs such as Title, Name, etc. in forms.
  • hand - used to change the mouse cursor to a hand when the mouse is over an element.
  • nowrap - used instead of the nowrap parameter in tables so that words are not wrapped to the next line.
  • uppercase - all letters in words will be capital.
  • lowercase - all letters in words will be small.
  • strong - the word will be in bold type.
  • error-text - red color font.
  • solid-border - there will be a 1px frame around the element.
  • float-left - a floating element is created, it is located on the left, other elements flow it around from the left (relative to runaround elements).
  • float-right - a floating element is created, it is located on the right, other elements flow it around from the right (relative to runaround elements).
  • clear - defined for a parent block, if this block contains only floating elements in order to stretch it over the area occupied by floating blocks.
  • no-padding - the attribute padding, which is specified in CSS or inherited, is zeroed out.
  • no-margin - the attribute margin, which is specified in CSS or inherited, is zeroed out.
  • valign - element is aligned in the middle with the baseline of the row where it is located.
  • checkbox - used to align check boxes in tables and forms.
  • radio - used to align radio buttons in tables and forms.
  • no-items - used to design a block where the notification no items found is displayed.
  • center - used to align text and inline elements in the middle inside the block.
  • right - used to align right text and inline elements inside the block.
  • scroll-x - creating horizontal scrolling.
  • hidden - used instead of style=”display: none;”, hides the element.

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