How To: Change CS-Cart Time Zone and Datetime Display Format

General Information

A time zone is a standard of time for a specific region on the globe. The standard is used for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Setting a proper time zone for your store can help your customers keep track of special events like sales, giveaways, etc.

A datetime panel shows time and date of events in the store. It is used in many different places, for example:

  • It tracks the time the order was placed.

    Date and time on the orders page
  • It tracks the time the product review was added.

    Date and time on the storefront

Changing a Time Zone and Datetime Display Format

  1. In the Administration panel, go to Settings → Appearance.
  2. Make the changes in the Common settings section.
Configure time and date in the Common section under Settings → Appearance.
  1. Click the Save button to save the changes.


This change will affect the dates of all future events—the time of placed orders, user registration, etc.

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