There are no strict limitations on the size and format of uploaded images. However, we can give some recommendations to make pages load faster and images to show correctly.
We do not recommend uploading overly large images—they need a lot of server space and increase hosting fees. Also, large images increase page load time. This can lead to users leaving without waiting for the page to load.
The recommended size of uploaded images is ranging from 300x300 to 600x600px, depending on the type of image. The image should not be larger than 3000px by the largest side. The image size on the disk should not exceed 1-2 MB. Otherwise, there may be problems with changing the image size in the Administration panel.
We recommend using web-optimized images in your store. You can find many optimization addons on the CS-Cart Marketplace. If you use CS-Cart cloud hosting, you can optimize images in your hosting account.
You don’t have to use your own online store to check edited pictures. A free online demo version of a CS-Cart store is always available.
There are numerous online tools you can use for image editing. Here are some of them:
You can also use offline graphic editors such as GIMP or Adobe Photoshop. The latter allows you to optimize multiple images at once through the File → Save for web feature.
The free add-on Detailed Images Size can help you to resize product detailed images during image upload.
CS-Cart doesn’t show images in their original form. Product photos are shrinked in size after uploading to the online store. Then thumbnails are generated automatically from the uploaded images. You can set the target image size on different pages (catalog, shopping cart, product card, etc.) on the Settings → Thumbnails page.
We recommend to specify only one of the thumbnail dimensions (width or height) for each of the thumbnails to keep an orderly look of the product list.
There are four common file formats for publishing images on the Internet: JPEG, GIF, PNG and WebP. Each of them affects the image differently:
Here are some tips to remember when choosing file types:
Nowadays Google recommends using WebP, JPEG 2000, JPEG XR formats for website optimization.
But these formats are not a complete replacement for JPEG and PNG since many browsers don’t fully support them. So you will always have to maintain image backups in commonly-used formats.
The CS-Cart Marketplace has add-ons that convert images to WebP and JPEG 2000 formats.
There are different graphics libraries on your server: Imagick, GD. The latter is available almost at any hosting. But we recommend Imagick, because it offers better performance and quality of the processed images.
The logo size always depends on the purpose of the logo. But you should never upload too large images. For example, in the demo version of the CS-Cart store, the logo size is 176x34 px. On the storefront, the logo size is limited by the width of the block in which it is located.
The logo also appears in emails. By default, the size of the logo in the emails is not limited, so it is better to use an image of an appropriate size. But if necessary, you can limit the max size of the logo in the emails in Administration → Notifications → Snippets → Header. Replace this part of the code:
<img src = "{{logos.mail.image.image_path}}" alt = "{{company_data.company_name}}" width = "{{logos.mail.image.image_x}}" height = "{{logos. mail.image.image_y}} "/>
<img src = "{{logos.mail.image.image_path}}" alt = "{{company_data.company_name}}" style = "max-width: 300px; max-height: 300px;" />
Then the maximum size of the logo in the emails will be 300x300 px.
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