How To: Display Different Payment Information for Different Payment MethodsΒΆ
Open the design/themes/[CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME]/templates/views/orders/components/payments directory of your CS-Cart installation, where [CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME] is an active theme of your storefront.
Create the payment1.tpl file with the following content:
In the Administration panel, go to Administration β Languages β Translations.
Click the + button and add a new language variable (e.g. bank_details_1) using the form in the popup window. Enter your banking details into the Value field (HTML tags are supported) and click the Create button.
Go to Administration β Payment methods and open the settings of the desired payment method, i.e. Bank wire transfer1. Or add a new payment method by clicking the + button.
Select payment1.tpl in the Template select box in the opened popup window.
Click the Save button to save the changes.
Repeat points 1 - 7 using another file name (i.e. payment2.tpl, payment3.tpl etc.) and another name for language variable (i.e. bank_details_2, bank_details_3 etc.) for each payment method you need.
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