CS-Cart 4.1.1 Changelog

New Features and Improvements

[+] API: Auth entity added.

[+] Design: Addons: Banners: JCarousel replaced with Owl Carousel.

[+] Design: Products: Owl Carousel is now used for the Scroller product template.

[+] Design: Storefront: New blocks (Benefits & Guarantees) added to the homepage.

[+] Design: The cm-image-gallery microformat now uses Owl Carousel instead JCarousel.

[+] Layouts: New block “Our brands” added.

[+] Layouts: Product blocks: Ability to filter products by categories added.

[+] Marketplace: Ability to upload new add-ons added.

[+] Multi-Vendor: The vendor account request notification replaced with a popup dialog.

[+] Payment methods: The FuturePay payment method added.

[+] Design: Themes: 5 new styles added.

[+] WYSIWYG: Added the ability to use empty <i> and <span> tags to CKEditor editor.

[+] WYSIWYG: Added the ability to use empty <i> and <span> tags to TinyMCE editor.

Functionality Changes

[*] Addons: Addon scheme: New fields available: Author information, Core version/edition requirements, System Extensions/Versions requirements.

[*] Addons: Banners: If a graphic banner has no image, it will be hidden in the customer area.

[*] Addons: Banners: Multi-language support for graphic banners added.

[*] Addons: News & e-mails: The “Newsletters” menu moved from “Website” to “Marketing”.

[*] Addons: Quickbooks: Exported file is now created with the fn_quickbooks_export function.

[*] Addons: The Affiliate addon removed.

[*] Addons: The Gift registry addon removed.

[*] Admin panel: CSS debug mode and JavaScript debug mode options removed as non-useful.

[*] Admin panel: Uploaded files are now checked with JavaScript to prevent unwanted file sizes or types.

[*] Checkout: Order placement moved to a popup dialog.

[*] Export/Import: Files and images can now be imported only from /path/to/cart/var/files/.

[*] Export/Import: Layouts: Option saving on layout updating added.

[*] Export/Import: Products: The ability to specify the same product codes on behalf of different storefront admins and vendors added.

[*] Orders: Tracking number is displayed as a link to the carrier website in customer emails.

[*] Core: PharData PEAR class is now used instead of Tar_Archive.

[*] Payment methods: Paypal Express: The Hong Kong Dollar, Israeli New Sheqel, Mexican Peso, Brazilian Real, Philippine Peso, Taiwan New Dollar, and Thai Baht currencies added.

[*] Payment methods: eWAY: Direct and shared Payment methods updated.

[*] Payment methods: eWAY: Rapid API payment updated.

[*] Addons: The Product Configurator add-on removed.

[*] Addons: The Recurring Billing add-on removed.

[*] Core: Smarty lib updated to 3.1.15.

[*] Addons: The Statistics add-on removed.

[*] Admin panel: Template editor renamed to File editor (language variable only).

[*] Theme editor: Fonts split to groups: system, popular, and other.

[*] {#4364} Multi-Vendor: Addons: News and Email: The ability to add news without specifying a vendor added.


[!] Addons: Abandoned carts: The wishlist checkbox was displayed in advanced filter when the Wishlist add-on was disabled; the checkbox layout overridden by the Wishlist add-on was incorrect. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Attachments: Occasionaly, ZIP archives could not be unpacked after download. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Comments and reviews, Suppliers: Supplier ID was not stated on discussion editing. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Gift certificates: Gift certificate status change on the order status change did not work. Fixed.

[!] Addons: RMA: The line break tag was displayed in the comments field. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Reward points: Points were incorrectly assigned based on user groups, null absolute values were ignored. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Statistics: UK Cookies law notification was displayed twice if the Statistics addon was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Store import: Data feed: Lang code was transferred incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Store import: Default product tab descriptions were not copied into all languages on store import. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Suppliers: Suppliers were not cloned on product cloning. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Suppliers, Tags: Suppliers and tags disappeared on product saving. Fixed.

[!] Addons: Suppliers: The admin panel dashboard loaded very slowly under high catalog size because the table cscart_supplier_links had unsufficient number of indices. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: Storefront selector: Dynamic entry loading would break previously generated storefront links. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: Administration: Close store: Storefront could not be accessed with the access_key parameter if the SEO addon was active and the “Show language in URL” option enabled. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: File editor: Left pane could not be scrolled independently from the right one. Fixed.

[!] Layouts: Block icon was not updated according to its type when a block was added to a grid. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: Billing address was replaced with shipping address if the Multiple Checkout option was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: Spaces were appended to the card number field if its end was clicked and the card number could not be entered. Fixed.

[!] Core: API: Product features: Getting a feature with a wrong ID raised a PHP error. Fixed.

[!] Core: Filters: Loading indicator during an AJAX request could not be hidden if the filter response returned no products. Fixed.

[!] Customer profile notifications: Messages could contain &nbsp;. Fixed.

[!] Database: Restore: Backup archive downloaded from the server failed to unpack. Fixed.

[!] Design: Addons: Banners: If a banner image size was greater than the layout size, it was resized non-proportionally. Fixed.

[!] Design: Theme editor: Clone: The “Clone” button did not work if the directory name contained spaces. Fixed.

[!] Design: Themes: Styles: Google fonts were loaded by the HTTP protocol, so some HTTPS pages could not load such fonts. Fixed.

[!] Design: Themes: Styles: Reddish: Some styles were hard-coded. Fixed.

[!] Export/Import: Products: A product was identified incorrectly by product code if two products had identical numerical parts of the code, but one of them had an additional literal part. Fixed.

[!] File editor: With the template cache on, the template code wouldn’t update in the customer area after it had been edited and saved in the admin panel. Fixed.

[!] File uploader: File/image uploading from server did not work. Fixed.

[!] Languages: Storefront language set on the first step was ignored, English was used instead. Fixed.

[!] Layouts: Export/Import: HTML/Smarty blocks content was not updated on import. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Addons: Gift certificates: A gift certificate created from the Promotions page could not be redeemed. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Addons: SEO: The product preview link dissapeared if the SEO addon was active. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Customer selector was invisible if a country promotion was set up. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Price changes were not saved when editing an order in the administration area. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: PayPal: If payment surcharge was applied to payment and the “Take payment surcharge from vendors” option was enabled, order could not be placed with the “Order total does not match” error. Fixed.

[!] Payment: A PHP notice appeared if a certificate filename was not specified. Fixed.

[!] Payment: Uploading a certificate file led to an error if multiple languages were installed. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: PayPal Pro: Shipping address was displayed in the URL encoded format on the Paypal side. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: PayPal: Gift certificates were not applied if the PayPal payment method was used. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: Piraeus: Deprecated URLs were used. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: Skrill: The iframe mode did not work. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: Virtual Merchant: Payment returned an error message if the ZIP code included non-numerical characters. Fixed.

[!] Product filters: Vendor status did not affect products filters. Fixed.

[!] Product option price modifiers were ignored on shipping price calculation with local charges. Fixed.

[!] Products: Clone: Image captions were not cloned on product cloning. Fixed.

[!] Products: Images: A division by zero warning was shown if a product detailed image had been saved incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Products: The table products_categories was joined twice if the “Product list default sorting” option value was set to “Sort by position”. Fixed.

[!] Promotions: Automatically generated coupon codes were sent to customer immediately after order placement even if the order status was not Processed or Complete. Fixed.

[!] Shipping methods: Taxes: Taxes were reset when the shipping positions were changed. Fixed.

[!] Storefront: Cart content: Product count and price were calculated incorrectly after several consecutive logins and logouts and adding products to cart on each step. Fixed.

[!] Users: Vendor administrator could change the status of their account via the forgot your password link. Fixed.

[!] {#4639} Product features: All product feature groups were displayed disregarding the applied filter(s). Fixed.

[!] {#4642} Products: Product sorting did not work in the admin panel when saved search was used. Fixed.

[!] {#4638} Cart promotions: Editing an order increased the quantity of a promotional item and the promotional discount. Fixed.

[!] {#4643} Orders: Invoice notes could contain HTML tags. Fixed.

[!] {#4651} Admin panel: Dashboard: Date was displayed incorrectly if the next, current, and next months were picked consecutively. Fixed.

[!] {#4653} Product features: Current feature value was cleared on changing an other/text or other/number type feature name. Fixed.

[!] {#4656} Debugger: Debug mode: Debug mode was defined with an incorrect constant in the config.php file. Fixed.

[!] {#4672} Products: The VAT taxes value was not saved on bulk product editing. Fixed.

[!] {#4688} Admin panel: The items per page value was reset to default when a new filter was applied. Fixed.

[!] {#4689} Order comments were sent to customer without HTML tag escaping. Fixed.

[!] {#4695} Export/Import: SEO: Import led to an error if the SEO name field was not present in the CSV file.

[!] {#4697} Addons: Form builder: The default item in the Form Builder country_list was always Zimbabwe. Fixed.

[!] {#4710} Export/Import: Products: Categories: A leading space was added to the third category name on product export, which led to an extra category being created. Fixed.

[!] {#4721} Export/Import: Users: When importing the registration date, it was replaced with the current one. Fixed.

[!] {#4759} Addons: Gift certificates: When purchasing products from different vendors a certificate was created only once. Fixed.

[!] {#4771} Orders: 404 error page was shown when user profile was changed on the order management page. Fixed.

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme