

Stores are available only in CS-Cart.

CS-Cart allows you to run multiple stores with one Administration panel. These stores share the same database, but have separate storefronts, settings, and checkout mechanisms, so that visitors can treat them as independent stores.

List All Stores

To get a list of stores, send a GET request to /api/stores/:

GET /api/stores/

This request returns the list of stores with their details.


The number of the returned stores depends on CS-Cart settings and can be altered by adding pagination parameters to the URL.

Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering

Add these parameters to the path to specify what stores will be returned in the response and how they will be organized:

Parameter Default value Description
page 1 The response to GET /api/stores/ is a page with a limited number of stores. This parameter determines the number of the page that will be sent in the response.
items_per_page 10 Determines the number of stores on a page.
sort_by name Determines the parameter by which the stores are sorted in the response. Available parameters are name, timestamp.
sort_order desc
Determines the sorting order:
timestamp   Searches only for the stores created at the specified time.
company   Searches only for the store with the specified name.


  • GET /api/stores/?page=2&items_per_page=2

    Response is an array with the information about 2 stores from the 2nd page of the list of stores.

  • GET /api/stores/?company=Simtech

    Response is an array the information about the store with the specified name.

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET /api/stores/?items_per_page=1

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK. The response is JSON with the following data:

 "stores": [
     "company_id": "1",
     "lang_code": "en",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "company": "Simtech",
     "timestamp": "1269610461",
     "status": "A",
     "storefront": "localhost",
     "secure_storefront": "localhost",
     "average_rating": null,
     "company_thread_ids": "1_0"
 "params": [0]

Get a Specific Store

To get the details of a specific store, send a GET request to /api/stores/<company_id>/. For example:

GET /api/stores/1

Response Format

  • The store exists: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with the store details:

     "company_id": "1"
     "lang_code": "en"
     "email": "[email protected]"
     "company": "Simtech"
     "timestamp": "1269610461"
     "status": "A"
     "storefront": "localhost"
     "secure_storefront": "localhost"
     "average_rating": null
     "company_thread_ids": "1_0"
  • The store doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Store Details

The fields below represent various store details.


The CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Values column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Field Values Description
company_id integer A unique identifier of the store.
company string The name of the store.
timestamp integer The UNIX time when the store was created.
storefront string The URL of the storefront.
secure_storefront string The secure URL of the storefront (SSL).

Create a Store

Send a POST request to /api/stores/:

POST /api/stores/

Pass the following fields with store details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the Content-Type. Required fields are marked with *:

  • company*—the name of the store.

  • storefront*—the URL of the store.


    The storefront field must have a unique value for each store.

  • secure_storefront—the secure URL of the store.

There are other parameters that aren’t returned by CS-Cart REST API, but can be used:

  • redirect_customer—determines whether customers can be redirected from this store to a different store depending on their IP address:

    • Y—customers can be redirected.
    • N—customers can’t be redirected.
  • entry_page—determines the pages of the store which should take the customer to the global entry page:

    • all_pages—customers will be taken to the global entry page from any page of the store.
    • none—customers won’t be taken to the global entry page from any page of the store.
    • index—customers will be taken to the global entry page from the index page of the store.


    The entry_page field applies only if redirect_customer is N.

  • countries_list—the list of countries assigned to the store; if one of your other stores supports redirection, customers from these countries will be redirected here from that store:

     "countries_list": [
  • clone_from—the ID of the store to clone data from.

  • clone—an object with various store attributes that must be cloned, with Y values:

     "clone_from": "1",
     "clone": {
        "layouts": "Y",
        "settings": "Y",
        "profile_fields": "Y",
        "pages": "Y",
        "promotions": "Y",
        "shippings": "Y",
        "payments": "Y",
        "product_filters": "Y",
        "product_features": "Y",
        "sitemap": "Y",
        "static_data_clone": "Y",
        "products": "Y",
        "categories": "Y"

Example JSON: Create a New Store

 "company": "Example Company",
 "storefront": "",
 "redirect_customer": "Y",
 "entry_page": "none",
 "countries_list": [
      "DZ", "AS", "AQ", "AG", "AR"

This request creates a store with the specified properties. Customers can be redirected from this store, if they come from a country from the countries_list of one of your other stores.

Example JSON: Create a Store and Clone Data

 "company": "Example Company 2",
 "storefront": "",
 "secure_storefront": "",
 "clone_from": "1",
 "clone": {
    "layouts": "Y",
    "settings": "Y",
    "products": "Y",
    "categories": "Y"

This request creates a store with the specified properties. The layouts, settings, products, and categories are cloned from the store with company_id=1.

Response Format

  • The store has been created successfully: HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the ID of the store:

     "store_id": 2
  • The store couldn’t be created: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Update a Store

To update an existing store, send the PUT request to /api/stores/<company_id>/. For example:

PUT /api/stores/2/

Pass the fields with the store details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. None of the fields are required.

  • company—the name of the store.

  • storefront—the URL of the store.


    The storefront field must have a unique value for each store.

  • secure_storefront—the secure URL of the store.

  • timestamp—the UNIX time when the store was created.

You can use the PUT request to add information about the company, which isn’t returned by GET requests, such as:

  • company_name—the name of the company.

  • company_address—the address of the company.

  • company_city—the city of the company.

  • company_country—the country of the company. Must be specified as the code (for example, US).


    You can find those codes under Administration → Shipping & taxes → Countries.

  • company_state—the state of the company. Can be specified as a code.


    You can find those codes under Administration → Shipping & taxes → States.

  • company_zipcode—the zipcode of the company.

  • company_phone—the primary phone number of the company.

  • company_phone_2—the second phone number of the company.

  • company_fax—the fax number of the company.

  • company_website—the website of the company.

  • company_start_year—the year when the company started working.

  • company_users_department—the email address of the user department.

  • company_site_administrator—the email address of the site administrator.

  • company_orders_department—the email address of the order department.

  • company_support_department—the email address of the help/support department.

  • company_newsletter_email—the reply-to/newsletter email address.

Example JSON

 "company": "Example",
 "storefront": "",
 "secure_storefront": "",
 "countries_list": [
      "GB", "US"
 "company_name": "My new company",
 "company_address": "41 Avenue",
 "company_city": "New York",
 "company_country": "US",
 "company_state": "NY",
 "company_zipcode": "10001",
 "company_phone": "1234-123-12345",
 "company_phone_2": "",
 "company_fax": "",
 "company_website": "",
 "company_start_year": "2005",
 "company_users_department": "[email protected]",
 "company_site_administrator": "[email protected]",
 "company_orders_department": "[email protected]",
 "company_support_department": "[email protected]",
 "company_newsletter_email": "[email protected]"

This request:

  • changes the store name to Example.
  • sets the URLs for HTTP and HTTPS access.
  • changes the countries of the store to Great Britain and the United States, so that customers from those countries will be redirected to this store.
  • adds more information about the company.

Response Format

  • The store has been updated successfully: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and the company ID:

     "store_id": "2"
  • The store couldn’t be updated: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

  • The store doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Delete a Store

To delete a store, send the DELETE request to /api/stores/<company_id>/. For example:

DELETE /api/stores/2

This request will delete a store with company_id=2.

Response Format

  • The store has been deleted successfully: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.
  • The store couldn’t be deleted: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
  • The store doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.