Each hook must have a comment with the description of the hook itself (e.g. entry point or the purpose of this hook) and the description of its parameters (for PHP-hooks only).
Hooks base is available at https://www.cs-cart.com/api.
Hooks are used by developers to extend functions. So it is best to include as many parameters as possible into hooks.
The name of the hook must include the name of the function.
Prefixes are prohibited. Only suffixes are allowed.
If you have a complex function that includes lots of hooks, you can name hooks using this example:
fn_set_hook('get_cart_product_data_post_options', $product['product_id'], $_pdata, $product);
When listing parameters of the hook, always put the parameters accepted by the function first. SQL hooks are the only exception: everything required is included into the params
Hooks in classes must contain the name of the calling class in their name.
Hooks in classes must always pass the class instance as their first parameter:
class Patterns
public function save($style_id, $style, $uploaded_data)
* Executes before saving the uploaded pattern files, allows you to modify the uploaded files and their location.
* @param \Tygh\Themes\Patterns $this Patterns instance
* @param string $style_id Style name
* @param array $style Style data
* @param array $uploaded_data Uploaded files
* @param string $path Path where patterns will be saved
* @param string $rel_path Relative patterns path
fn_set_hook('patterns_save', $this, $style_id, $style, $uploaded_data, $path, $rel_path);
We assume that each function must contain at least two hooks:
at the beginning of the function. All parameters accepted by the function must be passed to this hook.get_product_name_post
at the end of the function. List the parameters in the following order: first all the parameters accepted by the function, then the parameters returned by the function, and then the other auxiliary parameters.Also there are might be other extra hooks:
A sql hook like get_product_name
. All SQL variables are passed to this hook. It is recommended to create all $fields
, $condition
, $sorting
, $limit
, etc. values even if you think that it is unnecessary. You can leave them empty. For example:
fn_set_hook('get_product_name', $product_id, $lang_code, $as_array, $field_list, $join, $condition);
extra hooks. As an example we will use products selection:
fn_set_hook('get_products_before_select', $params, $join, $condition, $u_condition, $inventory_join_cond, $sortings, $total, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $having);
Some of the hooks do not comply with these standards. In this case we add a comment like:
* Deprecated: This hook will be removed in version 4.x or 3.3.x. Use get_product_price_pre instead.
Then we also add a hook that follows the standards. In our case it is get_product_price_pre
When we add a new parameter to a function, we don’t deprecate the old hooks and add new ones. Instead we add this parameter to the end of existing hooks. The correct order of parameters can be neglected in this case.
The formats for comments from the hooks base are provided below.
The format of comments was borrowed from PHPDocumentor. This format applies everywhere and to all functions.
The Doxygen program is used to generate documentation (here’s the manual).
How to write comments: main rules and recommendations:
A comment starts with a capital letter. No period at the end of the comment.
A verb to describe a purpose of function is used in the third-person singular, e.g. Gets user data.
Hightlight the names and values of variables, file paths, file names and other proper nouns with italics (use with HTML tags). For example: Function foo (in foo/bar/functions) accepts parameter $bar
In the description the function is defined as class::function
; the function without class is defined as ::function
. For example:
/** ...
* - period - If defined, get pages by time period. ::fn_create_periods</li>
* ...
Describe the variable to make it clear why the variable is used in this function.
For example:
* Processes cart data after calculating all prices and other data (taxes, shippings etc)
* @param array $cart Cart data
* @param array $cart_products Cart products
* @param array $auth Auth data
* @param string $calculate_shipping // 1-letter flag
* A - calculate all available methods
* E - calculate selected methods only (from cart[shipping])
* S - skip calculation
* @param bool $calculate_taxes Flag determines if taxes should be calculated
* @param bool $apply_cart_promotions Flag determines if promotions should be applied to the cart
fn_set_hook('calculate_cart', $cart, $cart_products, $auth, $calculate_shipping, $calculate_taxes, $apply_cart_promotions);
* Change SQL parameters for product data select
* @param int $product_id Product ID
* @param string $field_list List of fields for retrieving
* @param string $join String with the complete JOIN information (JOIN type, tables and fields) for an SQL-query
* @param mixed $auth Array with authorization data
* @param string $lang_code Two-letter language code (e.g. 'en', 'ru', etc.)
* @param string $condition Condition for selecting product data
fn_set_hook('get_product_data', $product_id, $field_list, $join, $auth, $lang_code, $condition);
The comment must be placed right before the hook.
{** Dynamic menu item (on the navigation) *}
{hook name="index:dynamic_menu_item"}
{** Hooks for CSS styles *}
{hook name="index:styles"}{/hook}
The opening tag must always be used with two star signs and the closing tag—with one star. This way the ordinary comments are distinguished from the hook comments.
For example:
* Hook description
var hook_data = {
'append_obj_content': append_obj_content, // int Id of bla bla
'var_prefix': prefix, // string Prefix of var
'object_html': unescape(append_obj.html()), // string Object
'var_id': id, // int ID of var
'item_id': js_items[id] // int Item ID
$.ceEvent('trigger', 'ce.picker_add_js_item', [hook_data]);
First goes the comment with the event description, second—the variable of the object with parameters, and third—calling of the event.
In the comments to the passed parameters the first word is the type of a variable, and the rest is the description.
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