Using Placeholders to Build Database Queries

Database queries in CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor are formed with the help of placeholders.

Different placeholders serve different purposes. For example, when you refer to database fields with integer values (order_id, product_id, etc.), use the ?i or ?n placeholders. If a field can store text values, use ?s and ?a instead.

Available Placeholders


This placeholder forms a structure for updating data.

  • Accepted data: array

  • Example usage:

    $data = array (
        'payment_id' => 5
    $order_id = 3;
    db_query('UPDATE ?:orders SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i', $data, $order_id);
  • Resulting query:

    UPDATE cscart_orders SET payment_id = '5' WHERE order_id = 3;


This placeholder forms a structure for inserting data.

  • Accepted data: array

  • Example usage:

    $data = array (
        'payment_id' => 5,
        'order_id' => 3
    db_query('INSERT INTO ?:orders ?e', $data);
  • Resulting query:

    INSERT INTO cscart_orders (payment_id, order_id) VALUES ('5', '3');


This placeholder converts data to an integer.

  • Accepted data: string, number

  • Example usage:

    $order_id = 4;
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i', $order_id);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_orders WHERE order_id = 4;


This placeholder converts data to a string (adds slashes).

  • Accepted data: string, number

  • Example usage:

    $product_code = 'adasd';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:products WHERE product_code = ?s', $product_code);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_products WHERE product_code = 'adasd';


This placeholder converts data to a string for substitution into the LIKE operator (replaces backslashes with double backslashes and then adds slashes).

  • Accepted data: string

  • Example usage:

    $piece = '%black\white%';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:product_descriptions WHERE product LIKE ?l', $piece);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_product_descriptions WHERE product LIKE '%black\\\\white%';


This placeholder converts data to a fractional number.

  • Accepted data: string, number

  • Example usage:

    $list_price = '123.345345';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:products WHERE list_price = ?d', $list_price);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_products WHERE list_price = '123.35';


This placeholder prepares data to be used in the IN () structure as a set of strings.

  • Accepted data: string, number, array

  • Example usage:

    $product_codes = array('EAN123', 'EAN234');
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:products WHERE product_code IN (?a)', $product_codes);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_products WHERE product_code IN ('EAN123', 'EAN234');


This placeholder prepares data to be used in the IN () structure as a set of integers.

  • Accepted data: string, number, array

  • Example usage:

    $order_id = '123.45';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id IN (?n)', $order_id);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_orders WHERE order_id IN (123);


This placeholder inserts a prepared value.

  • Example usage:

    $order_id = 'order_id = 4';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE ?p', $order_id);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_orders WHERE order_id = 4;


This placeholder prepares data to be used in the WHERE structure.

  • Accepted data: array

  • Example usage:

    $data = array (
        'payment_id' => 5,
        'order_id' => 3
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE ?w', $data);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * cscart_orders WHERE payment_id = '5' AND order_id = '3';


The ?w placeholder supports the following operators: =, !=, >, <, <=, >=, <>, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, NULL.

This is the structure of the accepted array:

$data = array (
    field => value,
    array(field, operator, value)
  • field is the name of the field in the table.
  • value is the value of the condition.
  • operator is the condition operator.
Operator Required type of value
NULL Boolean

The array passed as key => value is extended by the following rules:

  • If value is null, the NULL operator with value = true will be used.
  • If value is an array, the IN operator will be used.
  • In any other cases the = operator will be used.

For example:

$data = array(
    'field1' => 100,
    'field2' => '200',
    'field3' => null,
    'field4' => array(100, 'value'),
    array("field5", "<=", 200),
    array("field6", "NOT IN", array(100, 'value')),
    array('field7', '!=', 300),
    array("field8", "NULL", false)

db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE ?w', $data);

Resulting query:

SELECT * cscart_orders
        `field1` = 100 AND `field2` = 200
        AND `field3` IS NULL AND `field4` IN (100, 'value')
        AND `field5` <= 200 AND `field6` NOT IN (100, 'value')
        AND `field7` != 300 AND `field8` IS NOT NULL


This placeholder checks whether the value of the variable is a valid field name. If not, it returns an empty string.

  • Example usage:

    $data = 'payment@id';
    db_query('SELECT * FROM ?:orders WHERE ?f = 5', $data);
  • Resulting query:

    SELECT * FROM cscart_orders WHERE  = 5;


This placeholder allows to insert multiple new records in a table.

  • Example usage:

    $data = array(
            'payment_id' => 5,
            'order_id' => 3
            'payment_id' => 5,
            'order_id' => 4
    db_query('INSERT INTO ?:orders ?m', $data);
  • Resulting query:

    INSERT INTO cscart_orders (payment_id, order_id) VALUES ('5', '3'),('5', '4');