Template Editor


The editor is based on JavaScript, so make sure to enable JavaScript in your web browser.

The Template editor allows you to edit the source code of theme files directly from the administration panel. The editor can handle the files located in the .../design/themes/ directory of your CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor installation.

To edit files:

  1. In the Administration panel, go to Design → Templates.
  2. Use the left panel to choose the desired directory and the file to edit. This panel represents the contents of the .../design/themes/ directory.
  3. Edit the desired part of code and click Save changes.
Template editor in CS-Cart

On-Site Template Editing

The template editor also allows you to edit templates right on the storefront. To do it:

  1. In the Administration panel, go to Design → Templates.
  2. Click the gear button in the top right corner.
  3. Choose On-site template editing.
Opening the on-site template editor
  1. You’ll be taken to the storefront, but its elements will have Edit icons next to them. Click the icon of the element you’d like to edit, and choose the template.
CS-Cart storefront in the template editing mode
  1. A pop-up window will open. You can edit the template code there.
  2. Once you are done editing, click Save. You may have to clear the cache to see your changes take effect.


To make your changes appear right after you edit the template, go to Design → Themes and set the Rebuild cache automatically selector to On. This functionality affects performance, so we recommend using it only in development environment.

A pop-up window allows editing a template file on the storefront