How To: Display Shipping Method Icons on Checkout Page


The changes suggested in this article may conflict with the add-ons that use the same hook.


The code and the file provided in this article work only in CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor 4.3.7 and newer versions. To find instructions for older versions, please refer to this article.

Step 1. Override a Hook

1.1. In the root directory of your CS-Cart installation, create the following directory path: /design/themes/[CURRENT_THEME_NAME]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout.


Make sure that the My changes add-on is installed and activated in the Add-ons → Manage add-ons section of the Administration panel.

1.2. In this directory create the shipping_method.override.tpl file with the following content:

{assign var="shipping_image_pair" value=$shipping.shipping_id|fn_get_image_pairs:shipping:M}

<p class="ty-shipping-options__method">
    <input type="radio" class="ty-valign" id="sh_{$group_key}_{$shipping.shipping_id}" name="shipping_ids[{$group_key}]" value="{$shipping.shipping_id}" onclick="fn_calculate_total_shipping_cost();" {$checked} />
    <label for="sh_{$group_key}_{$shipping.shipping_id}" class="ty-valign">
        {if $shipping_image_pair}
            {include file="common/image.tpl" obj_id=$shipping_id images=$shipping_image_pair image_width=100 image_height=100}
        {$shipping.shipping} {$delivery_time} - {$rate nofilter}
{if $shipping.description}
    <div class="ty-checkout__shipping-tips">
        <p>{$shipping.description nofilter}</p>

As an alternative, you can download this file and put it into the directory you created in step 1.1.


In this example the shipping method icon width is 100 and its height is 100 too. If you want to define another width and height, type your own numbers for the image_width and image_height parameters.

Compatibility with Other Add-ons

If an add-on doesn’t work properly after you apply these changes, it may be because it uses the same hook. In that case try to find in /design/themes/[CURRENT_THEME_NAME]/templates/addons/[addon_name]/hooks/checkout. If you find that file, copy its content to the end of the shipping_method.override.tpl file from step 1.

Step 2. Upload Shipping Method Icons

2.1. In the Administration panel of your store, go to Administration → Shipping & Taxes → Shipping Methods.

2.2. Click the gear button of the necessary shipping method, and choose Edit.

2.3. Upload an image in the Icon section in the opened page.

2.4. Click Save and close.

Now icons should appear next to the names of shipping methods on the checkout page.


If you followed all the instructions in the article, and the shipping icons haven’t appeared, try clearing the template cache.

Icon for shipping method at checkout in CS-Cart.