This version uses Amazon SDK that was deprecated on June 6, 2019. We integrated the new version of Amazon SDK in version 4.10.3. If you’d like to use CDN, please upgrade to the latest version.
CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. You can specify CDN parameters under Administration → Storage → CDN settings. The CDN used is Amazon CloudFront.
Key—the identification key you get after registering at aws.amazon.com.
Secret key—the secure key given to you after registering at aws.amazon.com.
The Amazon Web Services documentation contains more information about getting the key and secret key.
CNAME—the domain name that you want to use instead of the CloudFront domain name for the URLs for your files. You need to create a CNAME record with your DNS service to route queries to the CloudFront host (it will be displayed on this page after you enter the account information).
If you use secure connection in your store (either in the administration panel or on the storefront), you also should upload the SSL certificate for this domain name to Amazon Cloudfront. The Amazon Web Services documentation contains more information.
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