How To: Add the Brand Product Feature

Step 1. Add a Feature

1.1. In the Administration panel, go to Products → Features.

1.2. Click the + button on the right side of the page.

1.3. Specify the following properties in the New feature window that will open:

  • Name—for example, enter Brand.
  • Type—choose Select box: Brand/Manufacturer.
  • Group—select the group to which the feature will belong. Leave None if you don’t want the feature to be a part of any group.


Specify other properties as you see fit.

The Brand feature

1.4. Switch to the Variants tab and specify the necessary brands.

1.5. Click the Create button.

Feature variants

Step 2. Specify a Brand for a Product

2.1. Go to Products → Products and click on the name of the product for which you’d like to specify a brand.

2.2. Open the Features tab.

2.3. Select the necessary brand from the list.

2.4. Click the Save button.


To add a product filter by brand, please refer to this article.