To add the “Terms and Conditions” link to the Checkout page, follow these steps:
1. In the root directory of your CS-Cart installation, create the following directories path: design/themes/[CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout. [CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME] is the name of the folder with the active theme of your storefront, for example, responsive.
Make sure that the My changes add-on is installed and activated in the Add-ons → Manage add-ons section of the Administration panel.
<div class="cm-field-container">
<label for="id_accept_terms{$suffix}" class="cm-check-agreement"><input type="checkbox" id="id_accept_terms{$suffix}" name="accept_terms" value="Y" class="cm-agreement checkbox" {if $iframe_mode}onclick="fn_check_agreements('{$suffix}');"{/if} />{__("terms_and_conditions_you_accept")}</label>
<a data-ca-target-id="term_dialog" class="cm-dialog-opener">{__("terms_and_conditions")}</a>
<div id="term_dialog" class="hidden">
To display the By checking this checkbox, you accept the Terms and Conditions checkbox on the checkout page, you must tick the Ask customers to agree with terms & conditions during checkout option in the administration panel under Settings → Checkout and click Save.
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