How To: Display Bestsellers on the Homepage

  • In the Administration panel, go to Add-ons → Manage add-ons.
  • Make sure that the Bestsellers & On-Sale Products add-on has an Active status.
  • Go to Design → Layouts → Homepage.
  • In the container where you want to display bestsellers, click the + button and choose Add block. In the opened window:
    • Open the Create New Block tab and choose Products.
    • In the Name input field type the name of the block (e.g., Bestsellers).
    • In the Template select box select Products.
    • Open the Content tab and in the Filling select box select Bestsellers.
    • In the Limit input field specify the number of bestsellers to be displayed.
    • Open the Block settings tab and tick the Hide add to cart button check box, if necessary.
    • Click Create.
Create the Bestsellers block


After the block is created or changed, make sure it is displayed correctly. Sometimes not all wrappers are suitable for the blocks.

Products Selected for the Bestsellers List

Products in the Bestsellers block are shown according to sales statistics. The Bestsellers side box is displayed if there are orders in your store that have Complete or Processed statuses.

On the home page CS-Cart displays a list of all bestsellers. When a visitor enters a category, the Bestsellers section shows best selling products according to sales statistics for this particular category. If there are no bought products in this category, the Bestsellers side box disappears.