How To: Add Pop-Up Window for Terms and Conditions on Checkout

To add the “Terms and Conditions” link to the Checkout page, follow these steps:

1. In the root directory of your CS-Cart installation, create the following directories path: design/themes/[CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout. [CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME] is the name of the folder with the active theme of your storefront, for example, responsive.


Make sure that the My changes add-on is installed and activated in the Add-ons → Manage add-ons section of the Administration panel.

  1. In the design/themes/[CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_THEME]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout directory, create the terms_and_conditions.override.tpl file with the following content:
<div class="cm-field-container">
    <label for="id_accept_terms{$suffix}" class="cm-check-agreement"><input type="checkbox" id="id_accept_terms{$suffix}" name="accept_terms" value="Y" class="cm-agreement checkbox" {if $iframe_mode}onclick="fn_check_agreements('{$suffix}');"{/if} />{__("terms_and_conditions_you_accept")}</label>

    <a data-ca-target-id="term_dialog" class="cm-dialog-opener">{__("terms_and_conditions")}</a>

<div id="term_dialog" class="hidden">
  1. Replace TEXT with your text for the Terms and conditions page.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Open the administration panel of your store and go to Administration → Languages → Translations.
  4. In the top right corner of the page, click the + button.
  5. Enter terms_and_conditions_you_accept into the Language Variable field.
  6. Enter By checking this check box, you accept the the into the Value field.
  7. Clone this item.
  8. Change the second language variable name to terms_and_conditions.
  9. Change the second language variable value to Terms and Conditions.
  10. Click the Create button.


To display the By checking this checkbox, you accept the Terms and Conditions checkbox on the checkout page, you must tick the Ask customers to agree with terms & conditions during checkout option in the administration panel under Settings → Checkout and click Save.