How To: Add a New Tab for the Product Detail Page

Adding a New Tab

To add a new tab with the own manageable content to the product detail page:

  1. In the Administration panel, go to Design → Product tabs.
  2. Click the + button to add a tab. In the opened window:
  • Enter the tab name (e.g. New tab).
  • Select the Show this tab in a popup window checkbox if you want to show the tab as a popup window.
  • Click the Select Block button, go to the Create New Block tab and choose the HTML block. In the appeared window:
    • Enter the name (e.g. Specifications).
    • Specify block content in the Content field on the Content tab.
    • Click the Create button to create the block.
  • Click Create to create the tab.
New tab

Changing the Block Content

You can change the block content for a particular product individually. To do it:

  1. Go to Products → Products and choose the desired product.
  2. Switch to the Product tabs tab and click the Block settings link near the previously created tab name.
Click the Block settings link.
  1. On the opened page choose the Content tab and change the filling of the Content field.
The Content tab.
  1. Click the Save button.

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