In the administration panel, go to Settings → Import data → Features.
Make sure that all the fields in your CSV file have the same names as the ones listed on the page.
To get the CSV file with the correct field names, you can export it, following the instructions in article How to export features.
Specify the following settings:
Click the Import button.
In the Variants field, a comma-separated list of values is expected. Example:
red, blue, yellow
The format of values expected in other fields of the CSV file can be found in the product feature entity description.
This way you can add new features along with their variants, or add new variants to existing features.
When adding new variants for the existing feature, make sure to append them to the list of existing variants. Otherwise, all the existing variants can be removed, and only new variants will remain. Exceptions are made for features with purpose set to Variations as separate products or Variations as one product, that have active variation groups built on the base of these features.
It is possible to import product features during product import. In this case, features should be added in the format described on the imported fields format page. The format is still accepted by both old import and the Advanced product import, but is considered deprecated.
Variants of the features can be imported from the Variants tab of the page. Pay attention to the mandatory fields, highlighted in bold.
It is not possible to add new variants when importing them via the Settings → Import data → Features → Variants, this way of importing can be used only for updating existing variants.
To get the CSV file with the data for updating, you can export it, following the instructions in the article How to Export Features’ Variants.
Advanced product import provides a convenient way of adding new features’ variants via import.
New variants can be added only for the existing features.
When using the Advanced product import, product features in the store can be matched with the columns in the import file.
The row of the particular feature column should contain one variant or be empty. During import, the feature variant will be assigned to a product. If a feature variant doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
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