
Options are additional separable product properties. That don’t have a quantity of their own, and don’t affect the quantity of product in stock. But they can affect the price or weight of the product. Good examples of options are:

  • Custom engraving
  • Gift wrap
  • Extended warranty

The Products → Options page allows you to manage all product options and option variants in your store. The changes you make here will affect all products that use these options.

  • To add a new option, click the + Add option button.

  • To apply existing options to specific products, click the Apply to products button.

  • To edit or delete an option, hover the mouse pointer over the option, click the gear button, and choose the action from the drop-down list.

  • To make an option Active or Disabled, use the drop-down list to the right.


    Sometimes it is useful to disable options temporarily, instead of deleting them.

    The Options page in CS-Cart

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