TPL Hooks

TPL or template hooks are parts of a template enclosed in the tags:

{hook name="section:hook_name"}

that can be supplemented or completely redefined by any add-on.

What a TPL Hook Looks Like in a Template

This is an example of a template hook from the file skins/basic/admin/views/order_management/totals.tpl:

{hook name="order_management:product_info"}
       {if $cp.product_code}

When TPL Hooks Are Used

TPL hooks are used to show additional data in an existing template. For example, if an add-on collects some data that should be shown in the store administration panel in a separate block, this block can be added using a TPL hook.

How to Use a TPL Hook

Unlike PHP hooks, template hooks should not be declared explicitly. A proper file naming and placing will do the trick.

The naming algorithm is as follows:

skins/[skin name]/[admin|customer]/addons/[addon id]/hooks/[template name]/[hook name].[pre|post].tpl