Addon.xml File Structure (Scheme 2.0)


This scheme is deprecated since version 4.2.x. For version 4.2.x and higher use Scheme 3.0.

The addon.xml file structure is fully described below. Use this scheme as a memo when developing your own add-ons.

Top level

<addon scheme="2.0" edition_type="ROOT,ULT:VENDOR">

   <name>2.0 scheme addon sample</name>
   <description>This is description of addon</description>

Add-on Attributes:

  • scheme - add-on scheme version. The value “2.0” should be used.
  • edition_type - An optional attribute available for any settings-related element. It defines editions in which one or another setting is available. If left empty, the parent element value. will be used. If the latter is not set, the value is considered ROOT. Possible values: PRO:ROOT, ULT:ROOT, ULT:VENDOR, MVE:ROOT, MVE: VENDOR, ROOT and VENDOR.
  • id - Add-on identifier. It must be equal to the catalog name in which the add-on resides.
  • version - Add-on version.
  • default_language - Add-on native (default) language. An optional parameter; if not specified, the language will be recognized as English (EN).
  • name - Add-on name in the default language.
  • description - Add-on description in the default language.
  • priority - Add-on priority. The higher the priority, the later the add-on is connected.
  • status - Status to be set after the add-on installation (active/disabled); “disabled” by default.
  • auto_install - Defines CS-Cart products, in which the add-on will be automatically includded in the list after installation.

Compatibility block

<!-- Block for the other add-ons compatibilities descriptions -->

  • compatibility - Block for the other add-ons compatibilities descriptions.
  • dependencies - The add-ons listed in this section must be installed in order to install the current one; otherwise an error message will be displayed.
  • conflicts - The add-ons listed in this section will be automatically disabled before the current add-on installation starts and the notification will be displayed.

Translations block

<!-- Translations for the non-default languages -->

       <item for="name" lang="RU">Пример аддона версии 2.0</item>
       <item for="description" lang="RU">Описание для аддона версии 2.0</item>
  • translations - Translations for the non-default languages.
  • item - A translation item.
  • for - Points to the property for which the translation is provided. Possible values: name/description/tooltip. Optional. The default value is name.
  • lang - The translation language code. If there is no language with the given code, the translation will be ignored.

Settings block

You can find an example here.

  • settings - Add-on settings block. Optional.
  • layout - Defines where the settings page will be opened (popup/separate). Optional attribute; popup by default.
  • edition_type - See edition_type attribute description in the Top level section.
  • sections - List of tabs on the add-on settings page.
  • section - Settings tab.
  • id - Text identifier. This setting can be accessed later on through Registry::get('addons.[addon_id].[setting_id]')
  • edition_type - See edition_type attribute description in the Top level section.
  • name - Tab name in the default language.
  • translations - See translations block description in the Translations block section.
  • items - List of settings in the tab.
  • item - Add-on settings.
  • id - Setting identifier.
  • edition_type - See edition_type attribute description in the Top level section.
  • type - Element type: input, textarea, password, checkbox, selectbox, multiple select, multiple checkboxes, countries list, states list, file, info, header, template.
  • name - Setting name in the default language.
  • translations - See translations block description in the Translations block section.
  • tooltip - Tooltip.
  • default_value - Default value; variant id for lists (and items with multiple variants like selectbox, multiple select etc.)
  • variants - Variants for the types selectbox, multiple select, multiple checkboxes, combo select.
  • item - Variant item.
  • id - Variant identifier.
  • name - Variant name.
  • translations - Similar to translations block described in the Translations block section, only the for attribute is used.
  • handler - Handler function for the info type settings. The return value of the specified function will be used as output text.

Language variables block


    <item lang="en" id="test_xml_2.0_1">First language variable</item>
    <item lang="en" id="test_xml_2.0_2">Second language variable</item>
    <item lang="en" id="sample_addon_handler">Sample addon handler</item>
    <item lang="ru" id="test_xml_2.0_1">Первая языковая переменная</item>
    <item lang="ru" id="test_xml_2.0_2">Вторая языковая переменная</item>
    <item lang="ru" id="sample_addon_handler">Пример обработчика модуля</item>
  • language_variables - Additional language variables.
  • item - Language variable item.
  • id - Language variable identifier.
  • lang - Code of the language it is added for.

Queries block

    <!-- If parameter "for" equals "install" or is not set, the query is executed during the add-on installation -->
    <item for="install">
    CREATE TABLE `?:addon_test_123456789` (
           `queue_id` mediumint NOT NULL auto_increment,
           PRIMARY KEY (`queue_id`)
    <!-- If the "editions" attribute is given, the request will be executed only for the editions that are defined in it (separated with commas) -->
    <item for="install" editions="ULTIMATE,MULTIVENDOR">
           ALTER TABLE `?:addon_test_123456789` ADD company_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    <!-- If the parameter "for" equals "uninstall", the query is executed during the add-on uninstallation -->
    <item for="uninstall">DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `?:addon_test_123456789`</item>
  • queries - Additional database queries.
  • item - Database query item.
  • for - If this parameter is set to install or is not set, the query is executed during the add-on installation; if this parameter is set to uninstall, the query is executed during the add-on uninstallation.
  • editions - Comma-separated list of editions. If this attribute is given, the request will be executed only for the specified editions.

Functions block

    <item for="install">fn_google_export_add_features</item>
    <item for="install">fn_google_export_add_feed</item>
    <item for="uninstall">fn_google_export_remove_features</item>
    <item for="uninstall">fn_google_export_remove_feed</item>
  • functions - User-defined functions called on certain events:
  • before_install - before the add-on installation.

  • install - after the installation of the add-on, its templates, settings and language variables but before its activation and cache clearing.

  • uninstall - before uninstallation.

    • item - Function item.
    • for - Trigger event for the function. The function will be called when the specified event occures. Possible values: before_install, install, uninstall.

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