Store Import: Technical Details

Development Mode

If you enable the development mode and then use Store Import:

  • Any PHP & MySQL errors that occur during the import process will be displayed.
  • You’ll see the live text log of the import process instead of the default progress bar.

To enable the development mode, find the config.local.php file in the root directory of the CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor installation that you want to upgrade to and add the following code to the end of the file:

define('DEVELOPMENT', true);


Even if you don’t enable the development mode, you’ll find the Store Import logs in the /var/store import/ directory. This directory is created automatically during the import process.

Excluding Data from the Actualization Process

The table_replacement.php file located in the app/addons/store_import/schemas/store_import directory of the new CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor installation contains the list of all tables in the store database. The tables with the // symbols before their names will be overwritten during data actualization—Step 5 of the import process.

Let’s assume you made some changes in the Website → Pages section of the Administration panel during Step 4 of the import process. To prevent losing that data during actualization, open table_replacement.php, remove the // symbols in the following lines of the code and save the file:



Now these tables will not be overwritten during the data actualization.


Be careful when modifying table_replacement.php—don’t change the file, unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

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