
Blocks represent various components of the storefront, such as menus, banners, search forms, lists of products, and so on. Administrators can position blocks on the layouts to change the structure of the store pages.

List all Blocks

To list all the blocks created in your store, send a GET request to /api/blocks/. For example:

GET /api/blocks/

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with the details of all the blocks of your store.

Response Format


GET /api/blocks/ always returns all the blocks available. We have omitted some of them in the example response to make it shorter.

  "block_id": "38",
  "type": "template",
  "properties": {
        "template": "blocks/static_templates/404.tpl"
  "company_id": "1",
  "lang_code": "en",
  "name": "404"
  "block_id": "17",
  "type": "smarty_block",
  "properties": {
        "template": "blocks/smarty_block.tpl"
  "company_id": "1",
  "lang_code": "en",
  "name": "About us"
  "block_id": "35",
  "type": "template",
  "properties": {
      "template": "blocks/static_templates/auth_info.tpl"
  "company_id": "1",
  "lang_code": "en",
  "name": "Auth information"
  "block_id": "25",
  "type": "blog",
  "properties": {
        "template": "addons/blog/blocks/recent_posts_scroller.tpl",
        "limit": "10",
        "not_scroll_automatically": "Y",
        "speed": "400",
        "pause_delay": "3",
        "item_quantity": "1",
        "outside_navigation": "Y"
  "company_id": "1",
  "lang_code": "en",
  "name": "Blog"

Get a Specific Block

To get the full list of details of a specific block, send a GET request to /api/blocks/<block_id>. For example:

GET /api/blocks/38

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with the details of the block.

Response Format

 "block_id": "38",
 "type": "template",
 "properties": {
     "template": "blocks/static_templates/404.tpl"
 "company_id": "1",
 "lang_code": "en",
 "name": "404",
 "content": ""

Block Details

The fields below represent various details of a block.

Field Values Description
block_id integer A unique identifier of the block.
type string
The type of the block. Here are the possible values: menu, my_account, our_brands, cart_content, breadcrumbs, template, main, html_block, smarty_block, checkout, products, categories, pages, payment_methods, shipping_methods, currencies, languages, product_filters.

Multi-Vendor supports additional types: vendor_information, vendor_logo, vendor_categories, vendor_search.

Note: Add-ons may provide more block types, such as banners, blog, rss_feed, and tags.
properties object Various properties of the block. They may be different depending on the block’s type.
company_id integer ID of the associated storefront (in CS-Cart) or vendor (in Multi-Vendor).
lang_code string A two-letter language code, for example, en.
name string The name of the block.
content object The content of the block. Available for banners, blog, categories, html_block, smarty_block, menu, pages, product_filters, rss_feed, tags.

Create a Block

To create a block, send a POST request to /api/blocks/.

Pass the fields with the block details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. Required fields are marked with *:

  • type*—the type of the block.

    Supported types are menu, my_account, our_brands, cart_content, breadcrumbs, template, main, html_block, smarty_block, checkout, products, categories, pages, payment_methods, shipping_methods, currencies, languages, product_filters.

    Multi-Vendor supports additional types: vendor_information, vendor_logo, vendor_categories, vendor_search.


    Add-ons may provide more block types, such as banners, blog, rss_feed, and tags.

  • name*—the name of the block.


Before you read further, you might want to learn more about block schemas in the corresponding section of the documentation.

  • properties*—the properties of the block. The possible properties depend on the type and template of the block. The available templates are determined by the type of the block as well.

    For example, let’s find the properties of products_scroller.tpl. Let’s study the JSON of an existing block first, to see what we’re looking for:

     "block_id": "22",
     "type": "products",
     "properties": {
         "template": "blocks/products/products_scroller.tpl",
         "show_price": "N",
         "enable_quick_view": "N",
         "not_scroll_automatically": "Y",
         "speed": "400",
         "scroll_per_page": "Y",
         "pause_delay": "3",
         "item_quantity": "4",
         "thumbnail_width": "160",
         "hide_add_to_cart_button": "Y",
         "outside_navigation": "Y"
     "company_id": "1",
     "lang_code": "en",
     "name": "Hot deals"

    To find the properties specific to a block type, go to app/schemas/block_manager/blocks.php. As the type of our block is products, we’re looking for the settings subarray of the products array.


    Irrelevant parts of the code were removed from the example below.

    'products' => array(
        'content' => array(...),
            'items' => array(...),
        'templates' => 'blocks/products',
        'settings' => array(
             'hide_add_to_cart_button' => array(
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'Y'

    According to 'templates' => 'blocks/products', the block of the products type can have one of the templates located in the blocks/products directory.


    The full path to the directory is design/themes/responsive/blocks/products in this case. If we were looking for the templates of the Blog add-on, the path would be design/themes/responsive/addons/blog/blocks.

    We have also found one of the properties: hide_add_to_cart_button. Since the JSON returned more properties, the other properties are template-specific.

    Let’s find the properties of our template, products_scroller.tpl. They are located in the corresponding settings array of app/schemas/block_manager/templates.php.


    Irrelevant parts of the code were removed from the example below.

    'blocks/products/products_scroller.tpl' => array (
        'settings' => array(
            'show_price' => array (
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'Y'
            'enable_quick_view' => array (
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'N'
            'not_scroll_automatically' => array (
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'N'
            'scroll_per_page' =>  array (
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'N'
            'speed' =>  array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => 400
            'pause_delay' =>  array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => 3
            'item_quantity' =>  array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => 5
            'thumbnail_width' =>  array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => 80
            'outside_navigation' => array (
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'default_value' => 'Y'

    We have found the remaining properties of the block that we received in the JSON.


    If you couldn’t find the block type you’re looking for, it may be because the block belongs to an add-on. Go to app/addons/<add-on_name>/block_manager to find the template schemas of a specific add-on.

  • content—the content of the block. You can add content to the blocks of the following types: banners, blog, categories, html_block, smarty_block, menu, pages, product_filters, rss_feed, tags.

    The content of the block depends on the content array of the block type in the block schema. It depends on the type and template of the block as well.

    For example, let’s find the content of categories_dropdown_horizontal.tpl. Again, we’ll study the JSON beforehand to know what we’re looking for:

     "block_id": "9",
     "type": "categories",
     "properties": {
         "template": "blocks/categories/categories_dropdown_horizontal.tpl",
         "dropdown_second_level_elements": "12",
         "dropdown_third_level_elements": "6"
     "company_id": "1",
     "lang_code": "en",
     "name": "Main menu",
     "content": {
         "items": {
             "filling": "full_tree_cat",
             "parent_category_id": "",
             "sort_by": "position"

    Let’s go to app/schemas/block_manager/blocks.php and find the description of the categories block type.


    Irrelevant parts of the code were removed from the example below.

    'categories' => array(
        'content' => array(
            'items' => array(
                'fillings' => array(
                    'manually' => array(...),
                    'newest' => array(...),
                    'full_tree_cat' => array(
                        'params' => array(...),
                        'update_params' => array(...),
                        'settings' => array(
                            'parent_category_id' => array(
                                'type' => 'picker',
                                'default_value' => '0',
                                'picker' => 'pickers/categories/picker.tpl',
                                'picker_params' => array(
                                    'multiple' => false,
                                    'use_keys' => 'N',
                                    'default_name' => __('root_level'),
                            'sort_by' => array(
                                'type' => 'selectbox',
                                'values' => array(
                                    'position' => 'position',
                                    'name' => 'name',
                               'default_value' => 'position'
                    'subcategories_tree_cat' => array(
                        'params' => array(
                            'plain' => true,
                            'request' => array(
                                'category_id' => '%CATEGORY_ID%'
                       'settings' => array(
                            'sort_by' => array(
                                'type' => 'selectbox',
                                'values' => array(
                                    'position' => 'position',
                                    'name' => 'name',
                                'default_value' => 'position'
        'templates' => 'blocks/categories',

    We have found all the parameters available for categories in the content array. The full_tree_cat array also describes 2 other parameters we’ve seen in the JSON: parent_category_id and sort_by.

    A template doesn’t necessarily have all the parameters from the content array. Let’s find the possible content for categories_dropdown_horizontal.tpl in app/schemas/block_manager/templates.php.


    Irrelevant parts of the code were removed from the example below.

    /* Categories templates */
    'blocks/categories/categories_dropdown_horizontal.tpl' => array (
        'settings' => array (
            'dropdown_second_level_elements' => array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => '12'
            'dropdown_third_level_elements' => array (
                'type' => 'input',
                'default_value' => '6'
        'fillings' => array('full_tree_cat', 'dynamic_tree_cat'),
        'params' => array (
            'plain' => false,
            'group_by_level' => true,
            'max_nesting_level' => 3,
            'request' => array (
                'active_category_id' => '%CATEGORY_ID%',

    According to the fillings array, you can only choose full_tree_cat or dynamic_tree_cat when using categories_dropdown_horizontal.tpl.


    Since version 4.3.4 dynamic_tree_cat is marked as deprecated. That’s why it won’t appear on the list of possible templates for a block with the categories type in the Administration panel.


    If you couldn’t find the block type you’re looking for, it may be because the block belongs to an add-on. Go to app/addons/<add-on_name>/block_manager to find the template schemas of a specific add-on.

The passed parameters fully conform to the block_data key, which is passed on the block editing page in the Administration panel.

If the block is created successfully, you will receive HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the block ID in the response:

 "block_id": 42

If the block couldn’t be created, you will receive HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Example JSON #1:

  "type": "template",
  "name": "Example Template",
  "properties": {
    "template": "blocks/static_templates/my_account_links.tpl"

This request creates a block called Example Template, which uses the My account links template.

Example JSON #2:

  "type": "html_block",
  "name": "HTML Block Example",
  "properties": {
    "template": "blocks/html_block.tpl"
  "content": {
    "content": "<p>Example text</p>"
  "lang_code": "en"

This request creates an HTML block called HTML Block Example. This block uses the HTML block template and can contain HTML code (<p>Example text</p> in our case).

Update a Block

To update an existing block, send the PUT request to /api/blocks/<block_id>/. For example:

PUT /api/blocks/42

Pass the fields with the block details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. The type field is required.

Example JSON:

  "type": "template",
  "name": "Example Template 2",
  "properties": {
    "template": "blocks/static_templates/my_account_links.tpl"

This request sets the type of the block to Template, and changes the name and template of the block.


If your store has multiple languages, you can update the name of the block for a specific language. For example, if you include "lang_code": "ru" in the JSON and change the name of the block, the name will only change for the Russian language.

Delete a Block

To delete a block, send the DELETE request to /api/blocks/<block_id>. For example:

DELETE /api/blocks/42

This request deletes the specified block.

Possible responses:

  • HTTP/1.1 204 No Content—the block has been deleted successfully.
  • HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found—the block doesn’t exist.

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