How To: Restore the Database of Your Store from Backup


Tutorial Difficulty: 1 / 3

To restore a backup of your store database, complete the following steps:

  1. In the administration panel, go to Administration → Backup/Restore.


The backup files displayed on the Backup/Restore page are located in the var/backups directory of your CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor installation.

  1. Click the gear button in the upper right corner of a page and choose Upload file. Specify the location of the file containing the SQL dump. You can retrieve it from:
  • your local computer
  • the server with your CS-Cart installation
  • a remote location (by providing the URL that leads directly to the backup)
  1. Click the Upload button.

You can also select the appropriate dump from the list, if it is located in the default directory var/backups. Click the gear button of the required file and choose Restore.


When you restore the database from an SQL dump, the existing database tables get overwritten.

Once you have the backup on the list, it takes 2 clicks to restore the database from that backup.


If you want to restore the whole store from the backup, make sure that files have the writable permissions.

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