Platform Structure

The schema of the platform folders and objects.

Main Directory

├── app/
│    ├── addons/               <- Add-ons and extensions
│    ├── controllers/          <- Controllers, processing of requests
│    ├── functions/            <- Platform funtions
│    ├── lib/                  <- Third party PHP libraries
│    ├── payments/             <- Payment methods
│    ├── schemas/              <- Various PHP schemas
│    └── Tygh/                 <- Platform classes
├── design/
│    ├── backend/              <- Admin panel design
│    └── themes/               <- Storefront design (site themes)
├── images/                    <- Images and thumbnails
├── install/                   <- Installation files
├── js/
│    ├── addons/               <- JavaScript add-on scripts
│    ├── lib/                  <- Third party JavaScript libraries
│    └── tygh/                 <- JavaScript platform scripts
├── var/
│    ├── cache/                <- Cache
│    ├── files/                <- Export/import files
│    ├── downloads/            <- Files of digital products and applications
│    ├── langs/                <- Translations
│    └── themes_repository/    <- Themes and templates for installation
├── admin.php                  <- Admin login script
├── index.php                  <- Buyer login script
├── api.php                    <- API login script
├── config.local.php           <- Web server settings
├── config.php                 <- Core settings
└── init.php                   <- Core connection

App: Controllers, Classes, Functions, Libraries

Language: PHP

└── app/
    ├── addons/                     <- Add-ons and extensions
    │    ├── [add-on id]/           <- Folder name matches add-on id
    │    ├── banners/               <- Banners
    │    ├── seo/                   <- SEO
    │    └── ...                    <- etc.
    ├── controllers/                <- Controllers:
    │    ├── backend/               <- Admin panel
    │    ├── common/                <- Common
    │    └── frontend/              <- Storefront
    ├── functions/                  <- Platform functions:
    │    ├── smarty_plugins/        <- Smarty Plugins
    │    ├── fn.catalog.php         <- Work with products and catalog
    │    ├── fn.cart.php            <- Work with orders, checkout
    │    ├── fn.common.php          <- Common functions
    │    ├── fn.fs.php              <- Work with files
    │    ├── ...                    <- Other functions
    │    └── fn.users.php           <- Work with customers
    ├── lib/                        <- Third party libraries:
    │    ├── other/                 <- Smarty, lessphp, PHPMailer, CAPTCHA  etc.
    │    ├── pear/                  <- Crypt, GeoIp, PEAR, Text, Diff
    │    └── vendor/                <- Library connection
    ├── payments/                   <- Payment methods:
    │    ├── paypal.php             <- PayPal
    │    └── ...                    <- and others
    ├── schemas/                    <- PHP schemas:
    │    ├── block_manager/         <- Blocks and block manager
    │    ├── exim/                  <- Export/Import CSV
    │    ├── menu/                  <- Admin panel menu
    │    ├── permissions/           <- Privileges and access rights
    │    ├── promotions             <- Promotions
    │    └── ...                    <- and others
    └── Tygh/                       <- Platform classes:
         ├── Api/                   <- Classes and methods of the RestFULL API
         ├── BlockManager/          <- Classes and methods of blocks
         ├── Shippings/             <- Classes and methods of shipping methods
         ├── Database.php           <- Database methods
         ├── Http.php               <- Methods for POST and GET requests
         ├── Registry.php           <- Registry repository methods
         └── ...                    <- and others

Admin Panel Templates and Design

Languages: Smarty, CSS, Less

└ design/                           <- Templates and styles
  └ backend/                        <- Admin panel
    ├─ css/                         <- CSS and LESS styles
    │   ├── addons/                 <- Add-on styles
    │   │    ├─ [module_id]/        <- Folder name matches add-on id
    │   │    ├─ hybrid_auth/
    │   │    ├─ seo/
    │   │    └─...
    │   │
    │   ├── lib/                    <- Style libraries
    │   │    ├─ 960/
    │   │    ├─ bootstrap_switch/
    │   │    ├─ daterangepicker/
    │   │    ├─ twitterbootstrap/
    │   │    └─ui
    │   ├── glyphs.css              <- CSS styles
    │   ├── styles.less             <- LESS styles
    │   └── ...
    ├─ mail/                        <- Templates for email notifications and mailing lists
    │   ├── media/                  <- Static data for emails:
    │   │ └─ images/                <- Images
    │   └── templates/              <- Email templates by sections
    │        ├─ addons/
    │        ├─common/
    │        ├─ companies/
    │        ├─ orders/
    │        ├─ payments/
    │        └─profiles/
    ├─ media/                       <- Static data:
    │   ├── fonts/                  <- Fonts
    │   └── images/                 <- Images
    │        ├─ addons/
    │        ├─ block_manager/
    │        ├─ lib/
    │        └─ ...
    └─ templates/                   <- Admin panel templates
        ├── addons/                 <- Add-ons by folders
        │    ├─ hybrid_auth/
        │    ├─ seo/
        │    ├─ banners/
        │    └─ ...
        ├── buttons/                <- Buttons
        │    ├─ button.tpl
        │    ├─ colorpicker.tpl
        │    ├─ save.tpl
        │    └─ ...
        ├── common/                 <- Common templates
        │    ├─ scripts.tpl
        │    ├─ styles.tpl
        │    ├─ price.tpl
        │    └─ ...
        ├── pickers/                <- Pop-ups
        │    ├─ categories/
        │    ├─ products/
        │    ├─ users/
        │    └─ ...
        └── views/                  <- Controller (page) templates
             ├─ payments/
             ├─ products/
             ├─ categories/
             └─ ...

Storefront Templates and Design (Site Themes)

Languages: Smarty, CSS, Less

└ design/                                  <- Templates and styles
  └ themes/                                <- Themes
    └ [theme_name]/                        <- Folder with theme files
      │                                       For example: basic or responsive
      ├── css/                             <- Basic CSS or LESS styles
      │   ├── addons/                      <- Add-on styles
      │   │   ├ [addon_id]/
      │   │   ├ banners/                   <- «Banners management» add-on
      │   │   ├ hybrid_auth/               <- «Social Login» add-on
      │   │   └ ...                        <- other add-ons
      │   │
      │   ├── lib/                         <- Style libraries
      │   │   ├ bootstrap/
      │   │   └ ui/
      │   │
      │   ├── base.css                     <- CSS files and LESS themes
      │   ├── grid.less
      │   ├── print.css
      │   ├── styles.css
      │   └── ...
      ├── layouts/                         <- Layout schemas for theme installation
      │   ├── layouts_multivendor.xml
      │   ├── layouts_ultimate.xml
      │   └── layouts_widget_mode.xml
      ├── mail/                            <- Email and invoice templates
      │   ├── media/                       <- Static data
      │       └ images/                    <- Images
      │   └── templates/                   <- Templates
      │       ├ addons/                    <- Add-ons by folders
      │       │  ├ [addon_id]/
      │       │  ├ news_and_emails/
      │       │  └ ...
      │       ├ orders/                    <- When ordering
      │       ├ promotions/
      │       └ ...
      ├── media/                           <- Static data
      │   ├── fonts/                       <- Fonts
      │   └── images/                      <- Images
      │       ├ addons/
      │       │  ├ [addon_id]/
      │       │  ├ image_zoom/
      │       │  └ ...
      │       ├ icons/                     <- Icons
      │       ├ lib/
      │       ├ patterns/
      │       └ ...
      ├── styles/                          <- Styles from the wysiwyg editor
      │   ├── data/
      │   │   ├ [style_name].css           <- Style CSS
      │   │   ├ [style_name].less          <- Style LESS
      │   │   ├ [style_name].png           <- Style icon
      │   │   └ ...
      │   ├── manifest.json                <- List of styles
      │   └── schema.json                  <- Wysiwyg editor settings
      └── templates/                       <- Smarty templates
          ├── addons/                      <- Hooks and add-on templates
          │   ├ [addon_id]/
          │   ├ banners/
          │   └ ...
          ├── blocks/                      <- Blocks
          │   ├ categories/                <- Blocks of the category list (menu)
          │   ├ checkout/                  <- For the checkout page
          │   ├ list_templates/            <- Product list templates
          │   ├ menu/                      <- Menu
          │   ├ pages/                     <- Blocks of the page list (menu)
          │   ├ product_filters/           <- Product filters
          │   ├ product_list_templates/    <- Category page templates
          │   ├ product_tabs/              <- Product tabs
          │   ├ product_templates/         <- Product detail page
          │   ├ products/                  <- Product blocks
          │   ├ static_templates/          <- Static templates
          │   ├ wrappers/                  <- Block wrappers
          │   └ [template_name].tpl        <- Various templates
          ├── buttons/                     <- Buttons
          │   └ [button_name].tpl
          ├── common/                      <- Common templates (samples)
          │   ├ [template_name].tpl
          │   ├ scripts.tpl                <- All scripts connection
          │   ├ styles.tpl                 <- All styles connection
          │   ├ price.tpl                  <- Price showing
          │   ├ product_data.tpl           <- Product data processing
          │   └ ....                       <- and others
          ├── pickers/                     <- Pop-up windows for object selection
          │   ├ categories/                <- "Select category" window
          │   └ products/                  <- "Select product" window
          ├── views/                       <- Main platform templates
          │   ├ block_manager/             <- Render blocks
          │   │   └ render/
          │   │     ├ location.tpl         <- Header, content, footer
          │   │     ├ container.tpl        <- Connection of the container with sections
          │   │     ├ grid.tpl             <- Connection of the block section
          │   │     └ block.tpl            <- Block connection
          │   │
          │   ├ [controller_name]/         <- Controller templates
          │   │   └ [mode].tpl             <- Controller mode template
          │   ├ categories/
          │   ├ checkout/
          │   ├ products/
          │   └ ...
          ├ 404.tpl                        <- 404
          ├ index.tpl                      <- Page building
          └ meta.tpl                       <- Meta data

In Detail

Storefront Styles

All platform and add-on styles are collected into one file and cached.

└ design/
  └ themes/
    └ [theme_name]/
      ├── css/
      │   ├── addons/                      <- Add-on styles
      │   │   └ [addon_id]/
      │   │     ├ styles.css
      │   │     └ styles.less
      │   │
      │   ├── lib/                         <- Style libraries
      │   │   ├ bootstrap/
      │   │   └ ui/
      │   │
      │   ├── base.css                     <- CSS files and LESS themes
      │   ├── grid.less
      │   ├── print.css
      │   ├── styles.css
      │   └── ...                          <- other main styles
      ├── styles/                          <- Styles from the wysiwyg editor
      │   └── data/
      │       ├ [style_name].css           <- Style CSS
      │       └ [style_name.less           <- Style LESS
      └── templates/
          └── common/
              └ styles.tpl                 <- All styles connection

Page in the Admin Panel

├─ app/
│  ├─ functions/                            <- Functions
│  │  └─ [functions].php                    <- Functions called by controller
│  └─ controllers/                          <- Controllers
│     ├─ backend/                           <- Admin panel
│     │  └─ [controller].php                <- Page controller
│     └─ schemas/                           <- Schemas
│        └─ menu/                           <- Menu schema
│           └─ menu.php
└─ design/
   └ backend/                               <- Admin panel templates
     └ templates/                           <- Templates
       └ views/                             <- Entry page
         └ [controller]/                    <- Controller
           └ [controller_mode].tpl          <- Controller mode

Storefront Page

├─ app/
│  ├─ functions/                            <- Functions
│  │  └─ [functions].php                    <- Functions called by controller
│  └ controllers/
│    └─ frontend/                           <- Storefront controller
│       └─ [controller].php                 <- Page controller
└─ design/
   └ themes/                                <- Storefront design—themes
     └ [theme_name]/
       └ templates/                         <- Templates
         └ views/                           <- Entry page
           └ [controller]/                  <- Controller
             └ [controller_mode].tpl        <- Controller mode

Block on the Storefront

├─ app/
│  ├ functions/                          <- Functions for getting content
│  │ └─ [functions].php
│  └─ schemas/                           <- Schemas
│     └─ block_manager/                  <- Schemas related to blocks
│        └─ blocks.php                   <- Main block schema
└─ design/
   └ themes/                             <- Storefront design—themes
     └ [theme_name]/
       └ templates/                      <- Templates
         └ blocks/                       <- Block templates
           ├ [folder_with_blocks]/       <- Folder with blocks by type
           │ └ [block].tpl               <- Block template
           └ [block].tpl                 <- Or a simple block template

Payment method

├─ app/
│  └ payments/                           <- Payment methods
│    └─ [payment_method].php             <- Payment method script
└─ design/
   ├ backend/                            <- Admin panel templates
   │ └ templates/
   │   └ views/
   │     ├ payments/
   │     │ └ components/
   │     │   └ cc_processors/
   │     │     └ [payment_method].tpl
   │     └ orders/
   │       └ components/
   │         └ payments/
   │           └ [payment_method].tpl
   └ themes/                             <- Storeront templates
     └ [theme_name]/
       └ templates/
         └ views/
           ├ checkout/
           │ └ processors/
           │   └ [payment_method].tpl
           └ orders/
             ├ components/
             │ └ payments/
             │   └ [payment_method].tpl
             └ processors/
               └ [payment_method].tpl

Extending with the help of add-on

Add-on schema

├─ app/
│  └ addons/
│    └ [addon_id]/                               <- Add-on folder
│       ├─ controllers/                          <- Controller extending
│       ├─ database/                             <- MySQL files
│       ├─ schemas/                              <- PHP schema extending
│       ├─ Tygh/                                 <- Classes and class extendings
│       ├─ addon.xml                             <- Add-on main file
│       ├─ config.php                            <- Constants
│       ├─ func.php                              <- Functions and hook extendings
│       └─ init.php                              <- Hook connection
├─ design/
│  ├ backend/                                    <- Admin panel templates
│  │ ├ css/                                      <- Admin panel styles
│  │ │ └ addons/
│  │ │   └ [addon_id]/
│  │ ├ mail/                                     <- Email and invoice templates
│  │ │ └ templates/
│  │ │   └ addons/
│  │ │     └ [addon_id]/
│  │ ├ media/                                    <- Static data
│  │ │ └ images/                                 <- Images
│  │ │   └ addons/
│  │ │     └ [addon_id]/
│  │ └ templates/                                <- Templates, hooks and pages
│  │   └ addons/
│  │     └ [addon_id]/
│  └ themes/                                     <- Storefront design—themes
│    └ [theme_name]/                             <- Theme name
│      ├ css/                                    <- Styles
│      │ └ addons/
│      │   └ [addon_id]/
│      ├ mail/                                   <- Email and invoice templates
│      │ └ templates/
│      │   └ addons/
│      │     └ [addon_id]/
│      ├ media/                                  <- Static data
│      │ └ images/
│      │   └ addons/                             <- Add-on images
│      │     └ [addon_id]/
│      └ templates/                              <- Templates
│        └ addons/                               <- Hooks, blocks and pages
│          └ [addon_id]/
├ js/                                            <- Add-on scripts
│ └ addons/
│   └ [addon_id]/
└ var/                                           <- Add-on template repository
  └ themes_repository/                           <- Used during installation
    └ [theme_name]/
      └ ...

Full add-on schema

├─ app/
│  └ addons/                                     <- Add-ons and extensions
│    └ [addon_id]/                               <- Add-on folder
│       ├─ controllers/                          <- Controller extending
│       │  ├─ backend/                           <- Admin panel
│       │  │  ├─ [your_controller].php           <- New controller
│       │  │  ├─ [controller].pre.php            <- Extending before controller
│       │  │  └─ [controller].post.php           <- Extending after controller
│       │  ├─ common/                            <- Common controllers
│       │  │  ├─ [your_controller].php
│       │  │  ├─ [controller].pre.php
│       │  │  └─ [controller].post.php
│       │  └─ frontend/                          <- Controllers and storefronts
│       │     ├─ [your_controller].php
│       │     ├─ [controller].pre.php
│       │     └─ [controller].post.php
│       ├─ database/                             <- MySQL files
│       ├─ schemas/                              <- PHP schema extending
│       │  └─ [schema_folder]/                   <- Schema folder (schema type)
│       │     └─ [schema_name].post.php          <- Extending after schema
│       ├─ Tygh/                                 <- Classes
│       │  ├─ Shippings/                         <- Shipping methods
│       │  │  └─ Services/                       <- Shipping services
│       │  │     └─ [ShippingService].php        <- Your shipping service
│       │  └─ [YourClass].php                    <- Any new class
│       ├─ addon.xml                             <- Add-on main file
│       ├─ config.php                            <- Constants
│       ├─ func.php                              <- Functions and hook extendings
│       └─ init.php                              <- Hook connection
├─ design/
│  ├ backend/                                    <- Admin panel templates
│  │ ├ css/                                      <- Admin panel styles
│  │ │ └ addons/
│  │ │   └ [addon_id]/                           <- Your add-on
│  │ │     ├ styles.css                          <- Your styles
│  │ │     └ styles.less
│  │ ├ mail/                                     <- Email and invoice templates
│  │ │ └ templates/
│  │ │   └ addons/                               <- Add-ons
│  │ │     └ [addon_id]/                         <- Add-on folder
│  │ │       ├ hooks/                            <- Connecting to hooks
│  │ │       │ └ [hook_type]/                    <- Hook folder
│  │ │       │   ├ [hook_name].pre.tpl           <- Code before hook
│  │ │       │   ├ [hook_name].post.tpl          <- Code after hook
│  │ │       │   └ [hook_name].override.tpl      <- Override hook
│  │ │       ├ [email_template]_subj.tpl/
│  │ │       └ [email_template].tpl/
│  │ ├ media/                                    <- Static data
│  │ │ └ images/
│  │ │   └ addons/
│  │ │     └ [addon_id]/                         <- Images of your add-on
│  │ │       ├ image_1.jpg/
│  │ │       └ image_2.png/
│  │ └ templates/                                <- Templates
│  │   └ addons/
│  │     └ [addon_id]/
│  │       ├ hooks/                              <- Connecting to hooks
│  │       │ ├ index/                            <- Hook folder
│  │       │ │ ├                <- Hook for connecting your script
│  │       │ │ └                 <- Hook for connecting your style
│  │       │ └ [hook_type]/
│  │       │   ├ [hook_name].pre.tpl             <- Your code before the hook
│  │       │   ├ [hook_name].post.tpl            <- Your code after the hook
│  │       │   └ [hook_name].override.tpl        <- Your code will override the hook
│  │       ├ views/                              <- Entry page
│  │       │ └ [your_controller]/                <- Controller
│  │       │   └ [controller_mode].tpl           <- Controller mode
│  │       └ overrides/                          <- Override any template
│  │         └ ...                               <- Create the desired structure
│  │
│  └ themes/                                     <- Storefront design—themes
│    └ [theme_name]/                             <- Theme name
│      ├ css/                                    <- Styles
│      │ └ addons/
│      │   └ [addon_id]/
│      │     ├ styles.css                        <- Your CSS style
│      │     └ styles.less                       <- Your LESS style
│      ├ mail/                                   <- Email and invoice templates
│      │ └ templates/
│      │   └ addons/
│      │     └ [addon_id]/
│      │       ├ hooks/                          <- Extending with the help of hooks
│      │       │ └ [hook_type]/
│      │       │   ├ [hook_name].pre.tpl
│      │       │   ├ [hook_name].post.tpl
│      │       │   └ [hook_name].override.tpl
│      │       ├ [email_template]_subj.tpl/      <- Email subject template
│      │       └ [email_template].tpl/           <- Email template
│      ├ media/                                  <- Static data
│      │ └ images/
│      │   └ addons/                             <- Add-on images
│      │     └ [addon_id]/
│      │       ├ image_1.jpg/
│      │       └ image_2.png/
│      └ templates/                              <- Templates
│        └ addons/
│          └ [addon_id]/                         <- Your add-on
│            ├ hooks/                            <- Hook extending
│            │ ├ index/                          <- Hook folder
│            │ │ ├              <- Hook for connecting your script
│    │       │ │ └               <- Hook for connecting your style
│            │ └ [hook_type]/                    <- Hook folder
│            │   ├ [hook_name].pre.tpl           <- Your code before hook
│            │   ├ [hook_name].post.tpl          <- Your code after hook
│            │   └ [hook_name].override.tpl      <- Override entire hook
│            ├ views/                            <- New page
│            │ └ [your_controller]/              <- Your controller folder
│            │   └ [controller_mode].tpl         <- Template for controller mode
│            └ overrides/                        <- Override any theme template
│              └ ...                             <- File to be overridden
├ js/                                            <- Add-on scripts
│ └ addons/
│   └ [addon_id]/
│     └ func.js/
└ var/                                           <- Add-on template repository
  └ themes_repository/                           <- Used during installation
    └ [theme_name]/
      └ ...

Connect CSS or LESS style

├─ app/
│  └ addons/                                     <- Add-ons and extensions
│    └ [addon_id]/                               <- Add-on folder
│       └─ addon.xml                             <- Add-on main file
└─ design/
   └ themes/                                     <- Storefront design—themes
     └ [theme_name]/                             <- Theme name
       ├ css/                                    <- Styles
       │ └ addons/
       │   └ [addon_id]/
       │     ├ styles.css                        <- Your CSS style
       │     └ styles.less                       <- Your LESS style
       ├ media/                                  <- Static data
       │ └ images/
       │   └ addons/                             <- Add-on images
       │     └ [addon_id]/
       │       └ background_image.png/           <- For example, background image
       └ templates/                              <- Connect style in template
         └ addons/
           └ [addon_id]/
             └ hooks/
               └ index/
                 └               <- Your style connection hook

New page in admin panel

├─ app/
│  └ addons/                                     <- Add-ons and extensions
│    └ [addon_id]/                               <- Add-on folder
│       ├─ controllers/                          <- Controllers
│       │  └─ backend/                           <- Admin panel
│       │     └─ [your_controller].php           <- New controller
│       ├─ schemas/                              <- PHP schema extending
│       │  └─ menu/                              <- Menu schema
│       │     └─                   <- Add a new menu item
│       ├─ addon.xml                             <- Add-on main file
│       └─ func.php                              <- Functions
└─ design/
   └ backend/                                    <- Admin panel templates
     └ templates/                                <- Templates
       └ addons/
         └ [addon_id]/
           └ views/                              <- Entry page
             └ [your_controller]/                <- Controller
               └ [controller_mode].tpl           <- Controller mode

New storefront page

├─ app/
│  └ addons/                                       <- Add-ons and extensions
│    └ [addon_id]/                                 <- Add-on folder
│       ├─ controllers/                            <- Controller extending
│       │  └─ frontend/                            <- Admin panel
│       │     └─ [your_controller].php             <- New controller
│       ├─ addon.xml                               <- Add-on main file
│       └─ func.php                                <- Functions
└─ design/
   └ themes/                                       <- Storefront design—themes
     └ [theme_name]/
       └ templates/                                <- Templates
         └ addons/
           └ [addon_id]/
             └ views/                              <- Entry page
               └ [your_controller]/                <- Controller
                 └ [controller_mode].tpl           <- Controller mode

New block on the storefront

├─ app/
│  └ addons/                             <- Add-ons and extensions
│    └ [addon_id]/                       <- Add-on folder
│       ├─ schemas/                      <- PHP schema extending
│       │  └─ block_manager/             <- Schemas related to blocks
│       │     └─         <- Extend schema of blocks
│       ├─ addon.xml                     <- Add-on main file
│       └─ func.php                      <- Functions for getting content
└─ design/
   └ themes/                             <- Storefront design—themes
     └ [theme_name]/
       └ templates/                      <- Templates
         └ addons/
           └ [addon_id]/
             └ blocks/
               └ [your_block].tpl        <- New block template

New shipping method

├─ app/
│  └ addons/
│    └ [addon_id]/
│       ├─ Tygh/                              <- Class extending
│       │  └─ Shippings/                      <- Shipping methods
│       │     └─ Services/
│       │        └─ [ShippingMethod].php      <- API connection script
│       ├─ addon.xml                          <- Add-on main file
│       └─ func.php                           <- Functions
└─ design/
   └ themes/
     └ [theme_name]/                          <- Show
       └ templates/                           <- additional information
         └ addons/                            <- during the selection
           └ [addon_id]/                      <- of a shipping method
             └ hooks/                         <- using
               └ checkout/                    <- a hook in a template of
                 └  <- the shipping methods.

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme