Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.18.1


There are a few differences between CS-Cart 4.18.1 Beta and the final release. See the differences below.

Core Changes

Changed Functions

  1. // Old:
    function fn_filter_uploaded_data($name, array $filter_by_ext = [], $show_default_error_notifications = true, $sanitaze_filename = true)
    // New:
    function fn_filter_uploaded_data($name, array $filter_by_ext = [], $show_default_error_notifications = true, $sanitaze_filename = true, $filter_by_file_size_bytes = false)
  2. // Old:
    function fn_check_uploaded_data(array $uploaded_data, array $filter_by_ext)
    // New:
    function fn_check_uploaded_data(array $uploaded_data, array $filter_by_ext, $filter_by_file_size_bytes = false)

New Functions

  1. Gets language direction:

  2. Gets language direction:

  3. Gets language direction:

  4. Gets language direction:

  5. Gets language direction:


The display of dynamic actions is updated

The dynamic actions $navigation.dynamic.actions display is updated. They are now shown in the right upper corner of the page. From now on, dynamic actions are the preferred interface elements for displaying actions and subpages. Dynamic actions appear as buttons. When there are multiple dynamic actions, some of them are displayed in a drop-down menu.

Dynamic actions requirements:

  • Use verbs in buttons titles. For example, use Add several products.
  • The buttons should function both as standalone buttons and as items in the dropdown menu.




use Tygh\ Registry;

defined('BOOTSTRAP') or die('Access denied');

if ($mode === 'manage') {
    Registry::set('navigation.dynamic.actions', [
        'my_changes.test_button' => [
            'href' => 'categories.manage',
            'text' => __('my_changes.view_my_changes'),

Full list of available options is in the Dynamic actions in the header of the site section.

The display of the top and central menu is updated

  • The process of extending of the top menu $ has been modified.
  • The Add-ons menu $ is now displayed beneath the central menu. The subitems submenu is now marked as deprecated. Use dynamic actions instead.
  • The Administration menu $ now appears on the new Settings (dispatch=administration.view) page. Dynamic actions are recommended instead of the subitems submenu.
  • The Settings menu $ now appears only on the SettingsGeneral (dispatch=settings.manage) page. To display the menu items, use the setting type.
  • The Design menu $ is now marked as deprecated. Extend the Website menu $ instead.
  • Instead of the top menu, the top bar top_bar.tpl is now displayed. You can extend it using the menu:top_bar_right.
  • The extension of the central menu $navigation.static.central has been updated. The central menu is now located in the sidebar. To expand it, use $navigation.static.central. The subitems submenu has been deprecated. Use dynamic actions instead. Use short titles of menu items (up to ~15 characters). The descriptions of the menu items are no longer displayed.

The dynamic sections have been deprecated

The dynamic sections $navigation.dynamic.sections have been deprecated. Use dynamic actions instead.

Gear buttons have been deprecated

Gear buttons in the right upper corner of the page have been deprecated. Use dynamic actions instead. Please note that dynamic actions can appear both as standalone buttons and as items in the dropdown menu.

Search filter extension through product list page template deprecated

Search filters on the product list page (?dispatch=products.manage) are now set using an array. Use the products:search_data hook to extend it. For example, to add a text field, use hook:


{$ = [
    id => "my_changes_filter",
    type => "input",
    category => "secondary",
    label => __("my_changes_filter"),
    value => $search.my_changes_filter_value,
    placeholder => __("my_changes_filter_placeholder")

{* Export *}
{$search_filters = $search_filters scope=parent}

Hooks products:simple_search, companies:products_advanced_search, products:search_form, products:search_in_orders and products:advanced_search for extending the products list page have been deprecated. The products:select_search hook have been deprecated, use the products:sort_by_content hook instead.

The example of connecting search filters can be found in the Search filters on the product list page section.

Saved searches

To display saved searches, use the saved_search parameter. An example of saved searches for a product list page:


{$search_form_dispatch = $dispatch|default:"products.manage"}
{$saved_search = [
    dispatch => $search_form_dispatch,
    view_type => "products"
{include file="common/mainbox.tpl"

Extending dashboard analytics blocks through template hooks has been deprecated

Now extending Dashboard analytics blocks should be done through a schema.




use Tygh\Enum\DashboardSections;

defined('BOOTSTRAP') or die('Access denied');

$schema[DashboardSections::TERTIARY]['my_changes'] = [
    'id' => 'my_changes',
    'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.my_changes'),
    'position' => 100,
    'dispatch' => 'products.manage',
    'content_data_function' => 'fn_my_changes_get_dashboard_block_data'

return $schema;



if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); }

function fn_my_changes_get_dashboard_block_data()
    $content_data = [
        'id' => 'my_changes',
        'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.title'),
        'title_button' => [
            'href' => 'products.manage',
            'name' => __('my_changes.dashboard.title_button'),
        'number' => 1234,

    return $content_data;

See the full list of available parameters in the Analytics card for Dashboard section.

You can expand the content of existing blocks using the get_dashboard_XXX hooks. Refer to the New Hooks section for a list of all hooks and their descriptions.

Setup wizard has been deprecated

The Setup wizard has been deprecated. Use the Settings tab of your add-on instead. Learn more about scheme 3.0 structure.

Icon display has been updated

Icons must now be connected through the component common/icon.tpl. Other methods are considered deprecated and will no longer work. The Font Awesome icon library has been replaced with CS-Cart’s custom icons. Now, instead of an icon font, vector SVG icons are used. Connection parameters for icons have changed. Connecting icons using the class parameter (e.g., class="icon-warning-sign") is deprecated. It is necessary to use the source parameter (e.g., source="warning_sign") with a value in snake_case and without the icon- prefix. See the example of connecting an icon in SVG icons section.

Page width has been updated

Top and central menu are now displayed on the left. Consequently, the available width for displaying page content has decreased. Please check the display of your pages on small screens.

The width restriction for page display has been removed. Now, the site is displayed across the entire available width of the window. Please check the appearance of interface elements on large screens.

Less style variables have been updated

Some Less style variables (colors, sizes, etc.) have been modified or removed. Now, CS-Cart’s Less-variables align with Bootstrap 2’s.

Instead of hardcoding values in styles, use Less variables and CSS custom properties from css/config.less for styles in your add-ons. For obtaining other values, utilize Less functions. For example, functions like spin(desaturate(lighten(@textColor, 30%), 25%), -15%) create the Text muted color. For more information about lessphp and Less, refer to their documentation. For details on removed Less variables, see Deleted style variables section.

Deleted Functions

  1. fn_master_products_generate_navigation_sections

Hook Changes

New Hooks

  1. Executes after getting dashboard block data, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  2. Executes after filling content information for block with sales statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_sales_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  3. Executes after filling content information for block with products statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_products_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  4. Executes after filling content information for block with orders statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_orders_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  5. Executes after filling content information for block with orders by statuses statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_orders_by_statuses_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  6. Executes after filling content information for block with vendor balance, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_vendor_balance_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  7. Executes after filling content information for block with vendor activity statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_vendor_with_sales_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  8. Executes after filling content information for block with companies or vendors statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_stores_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  9. Executes after filling content information for block with users statistics, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_customers_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  10. Executes after filling content information for block with last logs, allows editing it:

    fn_set_hook('get_dashboard_logs_block_data', $content_data, $this);
  11. Executes when changing order status before products are recalculated:

    fn_set_hook('change_order_status_pre', $order_id, $status_to, $status_from, $force_notification, $place_order, $order_info, $allow_status_update);
  12. Executes after updating data about the availability of products in warehouses:

    fn_set_hook('warehouses_recalculate_destination_products_stocks', $this, $params, $product_condition);
  13. Executes after deleting product stocks:

    fn_set_hook('warehouses_remove_product_stocks_post', $this, $product_id);
  14. Executes before updating/creating a banner:

    fn_set_hook('banners_update_banner_pre', $data, $banner_id, $lang_code);

Changed Hooks

  1. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('create_order_details', $order_id, $cart, $order_details, $extra);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('create_order_details', $order_id, $cart, $order_details, $extra, $k, $v);
  2. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('add_to_cart', $cart, $product_id, $_id);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('add_to_cart', $cart, $product_id, $_id, $_data);
  3. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('filter_uploaded_data_post', $name, $filter_by_ext, $filtered, $udata_local, $udata_other, $utype);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('filter_uploaded_data_post', $name, $filter_by_ext, $filtered, $udata_local, $udata_other, $utype, $filter_by_file_size_bytes);
  4. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('check_uploaded_data_pre', $uploaded_data, $filter_by_ext, $result, $processed);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('check_uploaded_data_pre', $uploaded_data, $filter_by_ext, $result, $processed, $filter_by_file_size_bytes);
  5. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('check_uploaded_data_post', $uploaded_data, $filter_by_ext, $result, $processed);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('check_uploaded_data_post', $uploaded_data, $filter_by_ext, $result, $processed, $filter_by_file_size_bytes);

Template Changes

Components Updated

Dynamic actions in the header of the site

Template: design/backend/templates/components/menu/actions_menu.tpl

Dynamic actions are displayed as buttons. If there are many buttons, some of them are displayed as a dropdown menu. The properties correspond to the {btn} helper from buttons/helpers.tpl, plus an additional parameter wrapper_class. The default type used is text. The usage of dynamic actions is described in The display of dynamic actions is updated section.

Example usage:


defined('BOOTSTRAP') or die('Access denied');

/** @var array $schema */
$schema['my_changes.manage']['my_changes.test_button'] = [
    'href' => 'categories.manage',
    'text' => __('my_changes.actions.view_my_changes'),
    'text_mobile' => __('my_changes.actions.view_my_changes_mobile'),
    'id' => 'my_changes_id',
    'class' => 'my-changes-class',
    'data' => [
        'data-ca-my-changes-param-1' => 'my_value_1',
        'data-ca-my-changes-param-2' => 'my_value_2',
    'wrapper_class' => 'my-changes-wrapper-class',
    'position' => 100

return $schema;

Available parameters:

  • type
  • href
  • text. If the parameter is unavailable, the language variable of the array key is used (up to 30 characters).
  • text_mobile. If the parameter is unavailable, the text is used (up to 20 characters).
  • title
  • id
  • class
  • meta
  • dispatch
  • form
  • method
  • target
  • target_id
  • process
  • onclick
  • icon
  • data
  • wrapper_class

Search filters on the product list page

Template: views/products/components/search_filters/get_product_search_filters.tpl



{$ = [
    id => "my_changes_filter",
    type => "input",
    category => "secondary",
    label => __("my_changes_filter"),
    value => $search.my_changes_filter_value,
    placeholder => __("my_changes_filter_placeholder"),
    is_enabled => true,
    is_hidden => false,
    content => "HTML content",
    data => [
        name_from => "my_changes_filter_from",
        value_from => $search.my_changes_filter_from,
        label_from => __("my_changes_filter_from"),
        name_to => "my_changes_filter_to",
        value_to => $search.my_changes_filter_to,
        label_to => __("my_changes_filter_to")
    nested_data => [
        my_changes_filter_param => [
            key => "my_changes_filter_param",
            label => __("my_changes_filter_param"),
            value => true,
            is_checked => ($search.my_changes_filter_param === "YesNo::YES"|enum)

{* Export *}
{$search_filters = $search_filters scope=parent}


Parameter Type Description or values
id String Search filter ID.
type Enum
Optional. Search filter type.

input (default)
category Enum
Optional. Display the search filter in the Add filter menu or display it always.

secondary (default)
priority Number Optional. It is necessary for context search only. Set the priority for contextual search.
label String Search filter label.
value String Optional. Search filter value.
placeholder String Optional. Search filter placeholder.
is_enabled Boolean A boolean value to determine whether the search filter should be render or not.
is_hidden Boolean Optional. A boolean value to determine whether the search filter should be display or not. In this case, the render will be executed.
content String Optional. HTML content for dropdown and popup types, or hidden props.
data String Optional. Required for the range type. Use name_from, value_from, label_from, name_to, value_to, or label_to props for name attribute, value, and label for “From” and “To” fields.
nested_data String Optional. Required for the checkbox and radio types. Use key, label, value, and is_checked props for ID, label, value and checked attribute.

Examples of extensions

  • input: addons/tags/hooks/products/
  • range addons/bestsellers/hooks/products/
  • dropdown: addons/ebay/hooks/products/
  • popup addons/product_variations/hooks/products/

Example of an array of product search filters: views/products/components/search_filters/get_product_search_filters.tpl.

Context search

The contextual search text field situated next to the saved search can be changed on the products list page.



For example:

{$search_filters.my_changes_query = [
    id => "my_changes_query",
    type => "input",
    category => "primary",
    label => __("search_my_changes"),
    value => $search.my_changes_query,
    priority => 1000

{* Export *}
{$search_filters = $search_filters scope=parent}

For contextual search, a type equal to input is required. The field with the largest priority will be displayed in the context search. The rest of the search fields will be displayed in the search filter. The standard field Search products has 100 priority.

Analytics card for Dashboard

Template: views/index/components/analytics_section/analytics_card/analytics_card.tpl


The usage of the analytics card for the Dashboard is described in Extending Dashboard analytics blocks through template hooks has been deprecated section.

Example usage:



use Tygh\Enum\DashboardSections;

defined('BOOTSTRAP') or die('Access denied');

$schema[DashboardSections::TERTIARY]['my_changes'] = [
    'id' => 'my_changes',
    'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.my_changes'),
    'position' => 100,
    'dispatch' => 'products.manage',
    'content_data_function' => 'fn_my_changes_get_dashboard_block_data'

return $schema;



if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); }

function fn_my_changes_get_dashboard_block_data()
    $content_data = [
        'id' => 'my_changes',
        'preheader' => __('my_changes.dashboard.preheader'),
        'is_selected_date' => false,
        'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.title'),
        'title_button' => [
            'href' => 'products.manage',
            'name' => __('my_changes.dashboard.title_button'),
        'number' => 1234,
        'number_dynamics' => 15,
        'use_price_for_number' => false,
        'content' => [
        'content_tpl' => [
        'buttons' => [
            'button_1' => [
                'name' => __('my_changes.dashboard.button_1'),
                'href' => 'products.manage',
                'class' => 'my-changes-button-1',
        'graph' => [
            'content' => [
                    'date' => '2024, (0-0), 30',
                    'prev' => 150,
                    'cur' => 200
                    'date' => '2024, (0-0), 31',
                    'prev' => 160,
                    'cur' => 300,
        'bar_chart' => [
            'id' => 'bar_chart',
            'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.bar_chart'),
            'content' => [
                    'id' => 'bar_1',
                    'name' => __('products'),
                    'href' => 'products.manage',
                    'type' => 'primary',
                    'value' => 10,
                    'is_price' => false,
                    'total' => 100,
                    'ratio' => 10,
                    'id' => 'bar_1',
                    'name' => __('categories'),
                    'href' => 'categories.manage',
                    'value' => 70,
                    'is_price' => false,
                    'total' => 100,
                    'ratio' => 70,
        'resource_list' => [
            'title' => __('my_changes.dashboard.resource_list'),
            'content' => [
                    'id' => 'resource_list',
                    'href' => 'products.manage',
                    'name' => __("my_changes.dashboard.resource_list_name"),
                    'label_text' => __("my_changes.dashboard.resource_list_label_text"),
                    'label_class' => 'my-changes-resource-list',
                    'value_href' => 'products.manage',
                    'value' => '100',
                    'use_price_for_value' => false,
                    'description' => __("my_changes.dashboard.resource_list_description"),
                    'description_href' => 'products.manage',
                    'small_text' => __("my_changes.dashboard.resource_list_small_text"),
                    // 'image' => [],
        'resource_list_tabs' => [
            'id' => 'resource_list_tabs',
            'content' => [
                'resource_list_tabs_1' => [
                    'id' => 'resource_list_tabs_1',
                    'title' => __('resource_list_tabs_1'),
                    'content' => [
                        // Same thing as $content_data['resource_list']['content']
        'scripts' => [

    return $content_data;


<h3>My changes test</h3>


SVG icons

Template: common/icon.tpl


{include_ext file="common/icon.tpl"
    accessibility_label="No user"
        "data-ca-param-1" => "value_1",
        "data-ca-param-2" => "value_2"


Parameter Type Description or values
source String The SVG contents (icon name (warning_sign), icon path (addons/my_changes/icons/my_icon.svg) or <svg>...</svg> source) to display in the icon (icons should fit in a 20 × 20 pixel viewBox). Use snake_case without the icon- prefix. The available icons can be viewed in the design/backend/template/icons/ directory. You can connect custom icons by specifying the icon path.
tone Enum
accessibility_label String Optional. Descriptive text to be read to screenreaders.
color String Optional. The fill attribute of the <svg> tag for setting a custom icon color.
show_icon Boolean Optional. A boolean value that determines whether the icon should be displayed.
class String Optional. CSS class of an icon.
id String A unique icon ID.
data Array An array of HTML attributes of the icon.
render Enum
Render the icon as an inline <svg> tag or connect as an external <img src="..."> image.

inline (default)

Deprecated parameters

Parameter Type Description or values
title String Deprecated. Optional. A hint for the icon. Now it is recommended to set the hints at a higher level. For example, to set suggestions for buttons containing such icons. For accessibility, use accessibility_label.
icon_text String Deprecated. Optional. The text for the icon. Use accessibility_label for accessibility.

Using custom icons

To display a custom icon, pass the path of the SVG icon to the source parameter. For example:

{include_ext file="common/icon.tpl" source="addons/my_changes/icons/my_icon.svg"}



<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path d="m0 0h20v20h-20z"/></svg>

SVG icons should fit in a 20x20 pixel viewBox.

Object selection

Template: common/select_object.tpl

The value of the style parameter for accordion has been removed. Please use one of the following parameters: dropdown, graphic, or field.


Template: common/tabsbox.tpl

Now you have the option to display tabs navigation in the top navigation. To achieve this, add the parameter show_tabs_navigation=false when including the common/tabsbox.tpl template. Also, pass the parameter tabs_navigation=$tabs_navigation when including the common/mainbox.tpl template. Example of a tabs navigation in the top navigation: views/products/update.tpl.

New Hooks

  1. index:head
  2. menu:top_bar_right
  3. banners:status

Deleted Hooks

  1. index:analytics_data: use dashboard/blocks schema instead.

Deprecated Hooks

  1. products:action_buttons: use dynamic actions instead.
  2. products:simple_search on the product list: use products:search_data instead.
  3. companies:products_advanced_search on the product list: use products:search_data instead.
  4. products:search_form on the product list: use products:search_data instead.
  5. products:search_in_orders on the product list: use products:search_data instead.
  6. products:advanced_search on the product list: use products:search_data instead.
  7. products:select_search on the product list: use products:sort_by_content instead.

Deleted Template Variables

  1. enable_sticky_scroll
  2. navigation_accordion
  3. addons vendor_data_premoderation: vendor_data_premoderation
  4. addons vendor_plans: plan_usage and plan_data

Style Changes

Deleted style variables

  1. @wide-width: use var(--content-width) instead.
  2. @mainSidebarWidth: use var(--sidebar-width) instead.
  3. @mainSidebarThinWidth: use 50px instead.
  4. @headerOffset: use 89px instead.
  5. @textMutedColor: use spin(desaturate(lighten(@textColor, 30%), 25%), -15%) instead.
  6. @mainSidebarBackgroundColor: use #333940 instead.
  7. @topPanelBackground: use #f9f9f9 instead.
  8. @topPanelTextColorLight: use #daedf7 instead.
  9. @topPanelDropdownBackgroundColor: use #4c6b8a instead.
  10. @topPanelDropdownTextColor: use #272b31 instead.
  11. @brandFontColor: use #fff instead.
  12. @brandFontWeight: use 500 instead.
  13. @topPanelMenuBackgroundStart: use @mainColor instead.
  14. @topPanelMenuBackgroundEnd: use @mainColor instead.
  15. @topPanelMenuBackgroundHoverStart: use @mainColor instead.
  16. @topPanelMenuBackgroundHoverEnd: use @mainColor instead.
  17. @topPanelMenuBackgroundActiveStart: use @mainColor instead.
  18. @topPanelMenuBackgroundActiveEnd: use @mainColor instead.
  19. @topPanelMenuBackgroundDisabled: use @gray instead.
  20. @topPanelMenuCaret: use #fff instead.
  21. @topPanelMenuDividerLeft: use transparent instead.
  22. @topPanelMenuDividerRight: use transparent instead.
  23. @topPanelBoxShadow: use 0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) instead.
  24. @successColor: use @btnSuccessBackground instead.
  25. @mutedBackground: use #f7f7f9 instead.
  26. @mutedBorder use #e1e1e8 instead.
  27. @btnPrimaryText: use #daedf7 instead.
  28. @btnPrimaryBackgroundBorder: use @btnPrimaryBackground instead.
  29. @successButton: use @btnSuccessBackground instead.
  30. @textButtonColor: use @btnPrimaryBackground instead.
  31. @textButtonCaretColor: use #1010107b instead.
  32. @tabsBackgroundColor: use #f4f3f3 instead.
  33. @tabsActiveBackgroundColor: use @mainColor instead.
  34. @extraIconsSprite: use url(../media/images/exicons.png) instead.
  35. @extraIconsSpriteWhite: use url(../media/images/exicons_white.png) instead.
  36. @zIndexPopup: use 1500 instead.

Deleted CSS classes

  1. btn-text: use btn-link instead.

JavaScript Changes

Deleted triggers

  1. ce.notifications_center.mobile_enabled
  2. ce.notifications_center.notifications_mark_reload
  3. ce.mobile_menu.dropdownMenu_created

Differences between the final release and CS-Cart 4.18.1 Beta

Since the release of the Beta, we’ve made some changes to CS-Cart 4.18.1. The document above has already been updated accordingly. This section is for those who used an older version of the document; it covers what has changed.

Changes to “Gear buttons have been deprecated”

This part of the Gear buttons have been deprecated section has been changed completely and is not relevant:

Gear buttons on the list of objects have been deprecated (for example, on the product list page). To perform the actions, use the Context menu. The appearance of gear buttons on the list of products and orders has changed (hooks products:list_extra_links and orders:list_extra_links).

Changes to “Search filter extension through product list page template deprecated”

  1. This part of the Search filter extension through product list page template deprecated has been changed and is not relevant:

    Search filters on the product list are now set using an array. Use the products:search_data hook to extend it.

Instead, a new search filter is now only on the products list page (?dispatch=products.manage). For example, it is not used when you add a product while creating an order.

  1. Your own filter my_changes_filter now needs to be placed in $ instead of $search_filters. You should use the parameter category => "secondary".
  2. Hooks: became irrelevant for all product lists (for example, search in the popup), except the product list page (?dispatch=products.manage).

Changes to “Dynamic actions in the header of the site”

The following changes in the Dynamic actions in the header of the site section have been made:

  • The default type used now is always text.
  • Setting dynamic actions should be done through schemas, not controllers.
  • Use the text parameter up to 30 characters in length.
  • Use the text_mobile parameter up to 20 characters in length.
  • The raw parameter is not available anymore.

Changes to “Search filters on the product list page”

The following changes in the Search filters on the product list page section have been made:

  • Now the template get_product_search_filters.tpl is used instead of products_search_form.tpl.
  • Instead of the array $search_filters, now use the sub-array $

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme