Upgrade CS-Cart

There are different ways to upgrade CS-Cart.

Upgrade Center

Starting with CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor 4.0.x, you can use the Upgrade Center to upgrade your store to the latest version:

Upgrade via Console

Starting with version 4.4.3, you can upgrade CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor via the command line.

Store Import

You can use the Store Import add-on to upgrade your store from versions 2.2.4/2.2.5 or 3.0.x to CS-Cart or Multi-Vendor 4.x.x. The upgrade is done by creating a separate CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor installation and using the add-on to import data from your old store.

DIFF Files

When we fix a bug, the fix is usually included in one of the future versions of CS-Cart. But it may take a while for a new version to be released, and a bug needs to be fixed now. That’s why we provide files in the unified DIFF format.

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