Stripe Payments


If you use Multi-Vendor without the Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments add-on, then all money will go to you, and you will have to distribute it among vendors. To automate this process, use the Stripe Connect Payments add-on instead of this one.

Stripe is an online payment processing service. This add-on for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor adds Stripe support and allows you to offer the following payment methods to customers:

  • Credit cards

  • Apple Pay (only to Safari users on Apple devices)

  • Google Pay (only to Google Chrome users, and if a credit card is linked to the Google account)


    3-D Secure (and therefore, Strong Customer Authentication required by the EU) is supported in our Stripe add-on starting with version 4.10.4.

    The Google Pay button on the product page added via the Stripe Payments add-on.