Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.11.3


New Functions

  1. Get the order statuses that consider the payment received:

  2. Install add-on templates from repository to add-on directories; install add-on language variables; install add-on layouts for each theme:

  3. Install add-on layouts for each theme:

  4. Check if the add-on exists:

  5. Check if the user is an administrator:

  6. Check if the theme is active at least on one of the storefronts:


Changed Functions

  1. // Old:
    fn_get_feature_data_with_subfeatures($feature_id, $lang_code)
    // New:
    fn_get_feature_data_with_subfeatures($feature_id, $lang_code, $params = [])
  2. // Old:
    // New:
    fn_get_discussion_company_condition($field, $company_id = '')
  3. // Old:
    fn_get_discussion($object_id, $object_type, $get_posts = false, $params = array())
    // New:
    fn_get_discussion($object_id, $object_type, $get_posts = false, $params = array(), $company_id = '')


New Hooks

  1. This hook is executed at the end of fetching the order statuses that consider the payment received:

    fn_set_hook('get_settled_order_statuses_post', $settled_order_statuses)
  2. This hook is executed at the end of the function, allowing you to modify its results:

    fn_set_hook('discussion_is_user_eligible_to_write_review_for_product_post', $user_id, $product_id, $result, $need_to_buy_first)
  3. This hook is executed after the stores/pickup points/warehouses are obtained, allowing you to modify their data:

    fn_set_hook('store_locator_get_store_locations_post', $params, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $data)
  4. This hook is executed before SEO URL generation, allowing you to modify the SEO URL:

    fn_set_hook('seo_url_post', $url, $area, $original_url, $prefix, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code, $locations, $parsed_url, $parsed_query, $link_parts, $rewritten, $seo_object, $seo_settings)

Changed Hooks

  1. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('check_and_update_product_sharing', $product_id, $shared, $existing_company_ids, $product_categories_company_ids);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('check_and_update_product_sharing', $product_id, $shared, $existing_company_ids, $product_categories_company_ids, $added_company_ids, $deleted_company_ids);

Big CS-Cart Update is Here Experience the New Admin Panel with Dark Theme