Vendor panel configurator

This add-on simplifies the vendor panel and allows administrators to manage the panel content and change its appearance.


Administrators can:

  • manage product editing page in the vendor panel;
  • customize vendor panel style.

Vendors get:

  • a simplified vendor panel that is easy to learn;
  • only the necessary menu items and settings.


The Vendor panel configurator is installed like any other add-on. Click the name of the installed add-on to open its settings.

The add-on settings are divided into two tabs:

  • Product page settings. Here, the administrator hides optional fields and tabs on the product editing page in the vendor panel.

    Names and positions of these settings are the same as properties on the product editing page, so they are easy to navigate. Tick the checkboxes next to the fields and tabs that you want to show in the vendor panel. Some properties cannot be removed — they are the required ones.


    There are also properties that are set globally for all products. To give a vendor permission to edit them, allow changing the property for individual items on the Settings page of the admin panel.

    Product page settings in the "Vendor panel configurator" add-on.
  • Vendor panel style. Here, the administrator customizes the appearance of the vendor panel. Configure the following settings:

    • Element color—choose a color for the following elements:
      • menu and working area;
      • inactive tabs;
      • background of active tabs;
      • icons.
    • Sidebar color—define the sidebar background color.
    • Sidebar background image—set your image for the sidebar background. The image is displayed instead of the sidebar color. We recommend you to choose a sidebar color that matches the background image.
    Style sttings in the "Vendor panel configurator" add-on.

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