Product Variations


This entity first appeared in CS-Cart & Multi-Vendor 4.6.1 as a part of the Product Variations (Beta) add-on. The add-on must be installed and active, or you won’t be able to use this entity.

Product variations are a way to group some specific option variants. For example, let’s assume that you sell T-shirts. They come in 3 colors (red, green, blue) and 3 sizes (small, medium, large). In this case T-shirt would be a product, and large blue T-shirt would be one of the product variations.

When you create a product, you decide whether that product will have variations or option combinations. Variations and combinations look similar on the storefront, but variations can be configured to a greater extent in the Administration panel.


The Product Variations add-on is currently in the beta stage. The article describes how the REST API works now, but the add-on and the way how variations are handled by the REST API may change in future versions.

List All Product Variations

To get a list of product variations, send a GET request to /api/product_variations/:

GET /api/product_variations/

This request returns 10 variations with their details.

Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering

Add these parameters to the path to specify what variations will be returned in the response and how they will be organized:

Parameter Default value Description
page 1 The response to GET /api/product_variations/ is one of the many pages with a limited number of variations. This parameter determines the number of the page that will be sent in the response.
items_per_page 10 Determines how many product variations appear on a page.
sort_by product Determines the parameter by which the variations are sorted in the response.
sort_order desc
Determines the sorting order:
Searches only for the variations with the specified status:
company_id   Searches only for the variations that belong to specific storefront (in CS-Cart) or vendor (in Multi-Vendor).
parent_product_id   Searches only for the variations of the product with the specified identifier.


The filtering rules from the “products” entity apply to product variations as well.


  • GET /api/product_variations/?page=2&items_per_page=5

    Response is an array with 5 variations from the 2nd page of the list of product variations.

  • GET /api/product_variations/?parent_product_id=249&status=D

    Response is an array with 10 disabled variations of product with product_id=249.

  • GET /api/product_variations/?pname=Y&pfull=Y&pshort=Y&q=red

    Response is an array of 10 variations that have red in their names, full descriptions, or short descriptions.

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET /api/product_variations/?items_per_page=1

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK. The response is JSON with the following data:

    "products": [
            "product_id": "251",
            "product": "T-shirt, Size: Medium, Color: Blue",
            "product_code": "TS-M-B",
            "product_type": "V",
            "status": "A",
            "company_id": "1",
            "list_price": "0.00",
            "amount": "8",
            "weight": "0.000",
            "length": "0",
            "width": "0",
            "height": "0",
            "shipping_freight": "0.00",
            "low_avail_limit": "0",
            "timestamp": "1497426528",
            "updated_timestamp": "1497426586",
            "usergroup_ids": "0",
            "is_edp": "N",
            "edp_shipping": "N",
            "unlimited_download": "N",
            "tracking": "B",
            "free_shipping": "N",
            "zero_price_action": "R",
            "is_pbp": "Y",
            "is_op": "N",
            "is_oper": "N",
            "is_returnable": "Y",
            "return_period": "10",
            "avail_since": "0",
            "out_of_stock_actions": "N",
            "localization": "",
            "min_qty": "0",
            "max_qty": "0",
            "qty_step": "0",
            "list_qty_count": "0",
            "tax_ids": "",
            "age_verification": "N",
            "age_limit": "0",
            "options_type": "P",
            "exceptions_type": "F",
            "details_layout": "default",
            "shipping_params": "a:5:{s:16:\"min_items_in_box\";i:0;s:16:\"max_items_in_box\";i:0;s:10:\"box_length\";i:0;s:9:\"box_width\";i:0;s:10:\"box_height\";i:0;}",
            "facebook_obj_type": "activity",
            "buy_now_url": "",
            "parent_product_id": "249",
            "variation_code": "249_181_185",
            "variation_options": "{\"27\":\"185\",\"26\":\"181\"}",
            "price": "28.000000",
            "seo_name": "t-shirt-size-medium-color-blue",
            "seo_path": "",
            "main_pair": {
                "pair_id": "1152",
                "image_id": "0",
                "detailed_id": "1397",
                "position": "0",
                "detailed": {
                    "object_id": "251",
                    "object_type": "product",
                    "image_path": "",
                    "alt": "",
                    "image_x": "350",
                    "image_y": "350",
                    "http_image_path": "",
                    "https_image_path": "",
                    "absolute_path": "/var/www/html/images/detailed/1/Blue_Tshirt.jpg",
                    "relative_path": "detailed/1/Blue_Tshirt.jpg"
            "image_pairs": {
                "1153": {
                    "pair_id": "1153",
                    "image_id": "0",
                    "detailed_id": "1398",
                    "position": "0",
                    "detailed": {
                        "object_id": "251",
                        "object_type": "product",
                        "image_path": "",
                        "alt": "",
                        "image_x": "350",
                        "image_y": "350",
                        "http_image_path": "",
                        "https_image_path": "",
                        "absolute_path": "/var/www/html/images/detailed/1/Blue_Tshirt_umyg-y1.jpg",
                        "relative_path": "detailed/1/Blue_Tshirt_umyg-y1.jpg"
            "base_price": "28.000000",
            "selected_options": [],
            "has_options": false,
            "product_options": [],
            "discounts": {
                "A": 0,
                "P": 0
            "product_features": [],
            "qty_content": []
    "params": {
        "area": "A",
        "use_caching": true,
        "extend": [
        "custom_extend": [],
        "pname": "",
        "pshort": "",
        "pfull": "",
        "pkeywords": "",
        "feature": [],
        "type": "simple",
        "page": 1,
        "action": "",
        "filter_variants": [],
        "features_hash": "",
        "limit": 0,
        "bid": 0,
        "match": "",
        "tracking": [],
        "get_frontend_urls": false,
        "items_per_page": 1,
        "apply_disabled_filters": "",
        "ajax_custom": "1",
        "product_type": [
        "parent_product_id": [],
        "variation_code": null,
        "sort_by": "product",
        "sort_order": "asc",
        "sort_order_rev": "desc",
        "total_items": "4"

Get a Specific Variation

To get the details of a specific product variation, send a GET request to /api/product_variations/<product_id>/. For example:

GET /api/product_variations/251


Basically, variations are products. That’s why if you pass an ID of a product (not a variation), the details of that product will be returned.

Response Format

  • The product or variation exists: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with details.
  • The product or variation doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Product Variation Details

Most of the details of a product variation are similar to the details of a product. That’s why in this article we’ll only be describing the details that are associated with the Product Variations add-on. For the description of other details, please refer to the article about the “products” entity.


The CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Values column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Field Values Description
product_type string
The type of the product:
P—a simple product that can have option combinations, but not variations.
C—a configurable product that can have variations, but not option combinations.
V—a product variation.
parent_product_id integer The identifier of the configurable product that serves as a parent product for this variation.
variation_code string The unique code of the variation that consists of identifiers of the parent product and all the option variants that comprise the product variation: [parent_product_id]_[variant_id_for_option_1]_[variant_id_for_option_2]. For example: 249_181_185.
variation_options object The identifiers of options and variants that comprise the variation. For example: {\"27\":\"185\",\"26\":\"182\"}.

Create a Variation

To create a product variation, send a POST request to /api/product_variations/.

Pass the following fields with variation details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the Content-Type. All these fields are required:

  • product—the name of the product variation as it appears on the storefront and in the Administration panel.

  • price—the price of the product variation in the primary currency of your store.

  • parent_product_id—the identifier of the parent product of the variation. Variations are supposed to belong to the same category as their parent product. If a parent product is moved to another category, its variations are also moved to that category.

  • variation_options—the options and variants that comprise a variation:

    "variation_options": {


Basically, variations are products. That’s why you can refer to the article about the “products” entity to learn more about other fields.

Example JSON

  "product": "T-shirt, Color: Red, Size: Small",
  "price": "33",
  "parent_product_id": "249",
  "variation_options": {

This request creates a new variation of the product with product_id=249. This variation consists of:

  • Variant 184 of option 26.
  • Variant 183 of option 27.


Learn more about working with options via REST API.

Response Format

  • The product variation has been created successfully: HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the product ID:

     "product_id": "254"
  • The product variation couldn’t be created: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Update a Variation

To update an existing product variation, send the PUT request to /api/product_variations/<product_id>/. For example:

PUT /api/product_variations/254

Pass the fields with variation details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. None of the fields are required.

Example JSON

  "amount": "10",
  "main_pair": {
      "detailed": {
  "image_pairs": {
      "1": {
          "detailed": {
      "2": {
          "detailed": {

This request:

  • sets the number of items in stock to 10;
  • loads the image from and makes it the main image of the variation;
  • loads additional images for the variation from:

Response Format

  • The product or variation has been updated successfully: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and the product ID:

     "product_id": "254"
  • The product or variation couldn’t be updated: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

  • The product or variation doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Delete a Variation

To delete a product variation, send the DELETE request to /api/product_variations/<product_id>/. For example:

DELETE /api/product_variations/254/

This request will delete a product or variation with product_id=254.

Response Format

  • The product or variation has been deleted successfully: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.
  • The product or variation couldn’t be deleted: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
  • The product or variation doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.