How To: Manage Add-ons

You can install add-ons automatically or manually by uploading the add-on files.

Manual Installation

Only the root administrator can upload add-ons.


The root administrator is the default administrator that is created by the system after the CS-Cart installation has finished. You can check whether your administrator account is root or not. Find the cscart_users table in the database and make sure that the is_root field for your administrator account is set to Y.

  1. Go to the Add-ons → Manage add-ons page in the admin panel. Click on the gear button and select Manual installation.

    Upload an add-on
  2. In the opened pop-up window select the add-on file. Upload a file in zip format from the local computer (Local) or the server file system (Server). You can also specify a URL to a remote location, where the required archive is located.

    Then click Upload & Install.

    Сhoosing file
  3. The add-on installer will check the write permissions for files and folders.

    If you do not have enough rights, you will receive a notification. Set write permissions to the specified folders on the web server, or grant FTP write access to these folders.

  4. If you bought an add-on on Marketplace, then after installation you may need to enter a license key.


    Starting from version 4.12.2, the license key is entered automatically.

  5. The add-on is installed.

Automatic Installation

CS-Cart provides over 60 add-ons out of the box. Some of them are immediately installed—we suggest that these add-ons are necessary for any online store. Some add-ons are not installed in order not to overload the store with functionality that is unnecessary at the moment.

It is easy to get the add-on you need. For this:

  1. Go to the Add-ons → Manage add-ons page.
  2. Use the search bar to find the add-on you need.
  3. Click Install to the right of the add-on name to install the add-on.
  4. If the add-on was installed but disabled, then click Activate to the right of the add-on name.

Now you can go to the add-on settings.

Automatic installation and enabling of the add-on

Manage Add-ons Page and Add-on Settings

The Manage add-ons page contains information about the add-ons of your online store. On this page you can:

  • install/uninstall and enable/disable add-ons;
  • see the Available upgrade for add-ons and apply it;
  • view the list of the Recently installed add-ons, fill the Favorites section with specific add-ons;
  • search for add-ons and filter them by different criteria;
  • open the add-on editing page.


If you use multiple CS-Cart storefronts, then add-on settings can be either individual for each storefront, or global for all storefronts.

Configure your add-ons on the Settings tab of the page that opens by clicking on the add-on name. Add-ons may have no settings.

After installation, some add-ons create new pages with additional working tools in the admin panel. Open additional pages created by the add-on in any way:

  • Click Open to the right of the add-on name. In the drop-down list, click on the name of the page created by the add-on.
  • Click on the name of the add-on, go to the General tab. The Where to access this add-on section contains links to additional pages.
Searching, installation, enabling the add-on, going to the add-on settings.

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