Store Locator

This add-on allows you to locate your brick-n-mortar stores on Google Maps. Maps with marked locations can then appear on the storefront so that customers can find a nearest point of sale. Locations are managed in Add-ons → Store locator.


To manage the following settings, go to the Add-ons → Manage add-ons section, find the Store locator add-on, and click on its name.

  • API key—your Google Maps API key. For details, please refer to the official Google help page.


    Please make sure that the Google Maps JavaScript API is enabled under APIs in the Google API Console.

  • Map zoom—the initial resolution at which to display the map, where zoom 0 corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out, and higher zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution.

  • Zoom control—display a slider (for large maps) or small “+/-” buttons (for small maps) to control the zoom level of the map.

  • MapType control—let the user toggle between map types (such as ROADMAP and SATELLITE).

  • Scale control—display a map scale element.