How To: Set up the Google Sitemap Add-on

The Google sitemap add-on generates the XML site map, which makes website indexing easier for Google (and other search engines). A site map allows search robots to define the location of website pages, the time of their last update and its frequency in order to index the website more effectively. This is especially important for big stores with a large number of pages.

To set up the Google sitemap add-on:

  • In the Administration panel, go to Add-ons → Manage add-ons and make sure the Google sitemap add-on has an Active status.
  • Click on the name of the add-on.
  • In the Update frequency drop-down list select the desired update frequency.
  • In the Priority drop-down list select the desired priority.


These options can be set up for the following entries: Homepage settings, Products settings, Categories settings, Pages settings, Brand/Manufacturer feature pages settings. Please note that the All checkboxes should be ticked off for the User groups option on the settings page of these entries.

  • Click Save.
Google sitemap


If products, categories, etc. were added or changed, click the Regenerate a sitemap button on the settings page of the Google sitemap add-on to regenerate the xml sitemap.


Sitemap can be reached by the URL if SEO add-on is enabled. If it is disabled, you need to add the following code to the .htaccess file to get this URL working: RewriteRule ^sitemap\.xml$ ./index.php?dispatch=xmlsitemap.view [L]. Add this line after the # RewriteBase / line.

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