SEO Add-on Settings

  • Product SEO URL format:
    • /product_name
    • /product_name.html
    • /category-name/[subcategory-name/]product-name—displays URLs as a path from the parent category to the subcategory.
    • /category-name/[subcategory-name/]product-name.html
  • Category SEO URL format:
    • /parent-category/category/[page2/]—displays URLs with the page number stated as a separate element of the path.
    • /parent-category/category[-page2].html—displays URLs with the page number stated as a part of the page name.
    • /category-[page2].html
    • /category/[page2/]—displays URLs with only category name stated and the page number being a subcategory.
  • Page SEO URL format:
    • The same settings as for the categories.
  • Other SEO URL format:
    • /item.html
    • /item
  • Show language in the URL—shows a language as a separate directory in the URL, for example: /ru/product.html.
  • Use single URL for all languages—URL is generated only for a default language of the storefront.
  • Allow non-Latin characters in URL—allows to generate URLs with non-Latin characters, for example: /ru/продукт.html.

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